Global Water Leadership in a Changing Climate (GWL) Programme Rwanda and Uganda

The GWL Programme focuses on implementing inclusive, climate resilient water policies and strategies in low and middle-income countries. GWPEA implements GWL in Rwanda and Uganda among the seven selected countries.

GWPEAf, UNICEF, Sanitation and Water for All (SWA), the Ministry of Water and Environment of Uganda as well as the Ministry of Environment of Rwanda and other development partners are implementing a 3.5-year Program titled "Global Water Leadership in a Changing Climate (GWL)" funded by the Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Organization from UK government.

The GWL Programme focuses on implementing inclusive, climate resilient water policies and strategies in low and middle-income countries and Uganda and Rwanda are among the selected countries in Eastern Africa. The GWL Programme is being implemented through a strategic collaboration between GWP, UNICEF, SWA, JMP, and WHO. The programme runs from May 2021 until April 2024.

The objective of the GWL programme is to strengthen leadership and collaboration in water resources and WASH governance at national and global levels, in addition to supporting the enabling environment for resilient and sustainable WASH services. The programme will utilize data and analyze the status of water resources management and WASH services to strengthen systems and the enabling environment and to support the development of a coherent climate rationale for the water and WASH sectors. The programme will also support the water and WASH sectors to identify opportunities for large scale climate financing for climate resilient water and sanitation services and water resources management. 

 Learn abouth the launch of the IWRM/WASH response strategy in Rwanda

Watch and learn about the launch of Response Strategy in Uganda

Seven Countries geared to become international models for water leadership