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/ Southern Africa

WACDEP Young Professional Development Initiative

The WACDEP has launched its Young Professional Development Initiative. GWP is calling on Young Professionals in fields related to water management and development, who wish to enhance their professional capacity to express their interest in promoting youth and water engagement through the WACDEP country and regional programmes. Nine (9) Youth Professionals will serve on an internship basis in each of the eight WACDEP countries and in the WACDEP Coordination Unit (CU) in Pretoria, for a period of between six to twelve months.

/ Southern Africa

Malawi to Hold Launch Event for NAP Process

Malawi is launching its National Adaptation Plan (NAP) Process by holding the first ever NAP stakeholder consultations to be supported by the Global Water Partnership in association with the NAP-GSP. read more

/ Southern Africa

WACDEP Reference Group Country Missions Held in Mozambique and Zimbabwe

The WACDEP Coordinating Unit, under GWP SA has been working with stakeholders in and the WACDEP Program Managers in Zimbabwe and Mozambique in the preparation of the Reference Group Country Missions scheduled for March 2014. The Reference Group meetings were held from 23-25 March in Mozambique and 26-27 March in Zimbabwe among other things provided opportunities to exchange experiences, lessons, and challenges with the WACDEP team in Mozambique on WACDEP implementation and generate perspectives for enhancing progress in all components of the programme.

/ Southern Africa

WACDEP Mozambique Capacity Building Programme Launched

The Detailed Assessment on the Capacity Building Needs in Mozambique (GWP, 2013) states that Mozambique is extremely vulnerable to climate related disaster such as floods, droughts and cyclones, with a recurrence frequency estimated at 1.67, meaning at-least one event occurs every year. Mozambique is also amongst the most affected countries by “large scale” natural disasters in the world. There is a great need therefore to build capacities in managing climate change.  To address that need, the Global Water Partnership’s Water, Climate, and Development Programme (WACDEP) for Mozambique was formally introduced through a capacity building awareness workshop at a launch that was held in Maputo, Mozambique on the 18th March 2014.

/ Southern Africa

Community of Practice on Water Research Impact and Uptake Established

GWP SA joined approximately 38 other stakeholders on 12-13 March 2014 at the Lombardy Hotel in Pretoria in absorbing discussions that looked at Water Research Impact and Uptake. The workshop was hosted by the Water Resource Commission and the International Water Management Institute, Southern Africa to chiefly explore the complexities and responsibilities of research impact and uptake.

/ Southern Africa

GWD Conference to embrace "Equality for Women is progress for All" IWD theme

GWP SA is a member of the Local Organising Committee (LOC) for the Gender Water and Development (GWD) Conference which will be held from 7-11 July 2014 in East London, South Africa. During the month of March 2014, the LOC reflected on the role of gender equality and how this can be prioritised as a mechanism for creating more equal societies and spurring development. Reflecting on the 2014 International Women’s Day Theme “Equality for Women is Progress for All”, The LOC resolved that this was a key message that needed to be rolled out as the world commemorated International Women’s Day, which fell on 8th March.

/ Southern Africa

5th Africa Water Week-Register Now!

The online registration and the call for papers and proposals for the 5th Africa Water Week is now open. The deadline for papers and proposals is March 22nd 2014. The 5th Africa Water Week will be held in Dakar, Senegal from 26th to 31st of May 2014. Overall theme: Placing Water at the Heart of the Post 2015 Development Agenda!

/ Southern Africa

Tanzania Country Consultation Prioritises Water and Energy Linkage to the post 2015 SDG on Water

Although water is central to development, its value is often overlooked. It is thus essential that this national consultation helps to ensure that water is properly reflected in any post-2015 agenda. Moreover water is tied to most development themes – such as food, health, energy. So it is essential to recognize the obvious linkages with these other thematic consultations