HELP-GWP consultation on Draft Principles on Investment and Financing for Water-related Disaster Risk Reduction

Upon the request of the High-level Experts and Leaders Panel on Water and Disasters (HELP) and with finding from the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism (MLIT) of Japan and the National Graduate Institute for Policy Studies (GRIPS) Japan, Global Water Partnership (GWP) organised a consultation on the proposed HELP Principles of Investments and Financing for water-related disaster risk reduction in the Southern African region.

The consultations were led by the HELP Secretariat with support from GWPSA and the GWP global secretariat.

Given the need and importance of paying attention to water-related disasters, especially in light of the recent floods and cyclones that have hit the region, that session on Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) was well-befitting the southern African region, with the main objective to present and give clarity on investment and financing for water related-disaster risk reduction and to get the citizens’ perception about recovery from mega-disasters. The consultation was attended by 25 participants from a variety of backgrounds, including academia, water sector and finance.

The outcomes of the discussions included the need to enhance governance as well as Interpretation/translation of Disaster Risk Management (DRM), clarity of financing and budgeting processes (levies), Capacity building and awareness raising to those affected and practical implications.

To read more about this event, click here or read the attached document above.