GWPSA is Recruiting

At the 12th Consulting Partners Meeting held in May 2017, GWPSA Consulting partners adopted a decision for the ‘Strategic Repositioning’ of GWPSA and CWP’s role on water security to advance the SADC Regional industrialisation and job creation agenda as well as the 2030 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

The objective is to ensure that GWP’s role in the region and countries responds, realigns and adapts to evolving changes in international development context at global, regional and country level. GWPSA/CWP strategic repositioning entails greater focus on water security, Job creation and investments with IWRM as a means.

 The strategic repositioning of GWPSA is also within the context of the GWP global “Change Agenda” in which national-level partnerships are being strengthened in support of national development priorities, industrialisation and SDG implementation.  To advance this objective, GWPSA is recruiting at various levels. Please read the linked documents to find out more about the vacancies available.