News & Events

/ West Africa

Benin, an integrity action plan for Ouinhi commune

Since CWP Benin is aware that the promotion of integrity has to start at the local level in order to have an impact at the national level, it is committed to supporting municipalities in the implementation of good integrity practices. This support is given to municipalities that have freely committed themselves to adhere to the Charter for Good Governance in the Water Sector.
/ West Africa

A new Local Water Committee for the Tchoutchoubou micro-basin in the commune of Tanguieta

The Country Water Partnership of Benin has facilitated the setting up on 20 February 2020 of the Local Water Committee (LWC) of the Tchoutchoubou micro-basin in the commune of Tanguiéta, northern part of the country. This activity is part of the project "promoting IWRM in the Mekrou and Pendjari sub-basins" of the phase 2 of the Water, Hygiene and Sanitation Programme (ProSEHA) funded by the German Cooperation GIZ.
/ West Africa

In Benin stakeholders agree to set up Local Water Committees (LWC) on consensual bases

In order to contribute to the reflections towards the adoption legal basis for the establishment and composition of Local Water Committees (LWCs) which are local body for water resource management in a river basin, CWP-Benin in collaboration with the General Directorate for Water (DGEau), organized on 28 and 29 January 2020 a workshop for exchanges on the establishment of Local Water Committees.
/ West Africa

Canadian interns visiting #TFTC's activities in Togo

Since inception in 2018, #TonFuturTonClimat has been implemented in Togo through the Youth Support Project for the Protection of the Environment, Water and Soil (PAJPEES) in Danyi-Apéyémé. To assess the activities already implemented and those in progress, a participatory evaluation was carried out in February.
/ West Africa

ECOWAS/WRMC coordinates WA towards WWF9

The 9th World Water Forum (WWF9) which is being held in Dakar from 22 to 27 March 2021 is an event for Africa and particularly the West African region. In order to contribute to a good preparation and participation of the region into the Forum, major regional institutional actors in Ouagadougou are working together to better coordinate the participation process of the region.
/ West Africa

SDG 6.5.1 reporting exercise in West Africa

GWP WA is coordinating the reporting on the SDG 6.5.1 indicator by UNEP through the SDG 6 IWRM Support Programme with GWP support in the region. Monitoring and reporting on SDG indicator 6.5.1 in countries are based on a self-assessment survey.
/ West Africa

Living and fighting Covid-19

The Regional Secretariat of GWP-WA based in Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso has been following closely the evolution of the coronavirus in the countries of the region.
/ West Africa

Félicité Vodounhessi Followed Her Childhood Dream to Work in the Development Sector

“Since childhood, I was always in awe of everything related to the development sector. I had the ambition to help the disadvantaged populations in my country and in Africa”, says Félicité Vodounhessi, Programme Officer for GWP West Africa. In celebration of International Women’s Day (IWD2020) she shares her career story on becoming a Water and Rural Equipment Engineer.
/ West Africa

COVID 19: Call from Global Water Partnership West Africa (GWP-WA) for the fight against the pandemic

(Ouagadougou, 7 April 2020) - The World is going through a serious health crisis linked to the spread of Covid 19. The pandemic is affecting almost all African countries, including the 15 West African States. Covid-19 could seriously affect the nations and populations of West Africa in their daily lives and economic activities given the fragility of health systems, informal economy and precarious urban systems.