News & Events

/ West Africa

A young ESUPJ student recalls a real schooling experience after an internship at GWP-WA

In this article, Abdoul Rachid Yohann FOFANA, a student at the Ecole Supérieure Polytechnique de la Jeunesse (ESUPJ), in his second year in the Civil Engineering program with a focus on Water Management and Control, describes his immersion experience at GWP-WA. The young Burkinabe completed a 2-month internship at the GWP-WA Executive Secretariat from July 29 to September 28, 2019.
/ West Africa

National Forum on Integrity in the Water and Sanitation Sector in Benin

From 29 to 31 October 2019, the city of Cotonou in Benin hosted the National Forum on Integrity in the Water and Sanitation Sector. "Integrity in the water and sanitation sector: pillar for the rights to water and sanitation" is the theme of the forum that aims to promote integrity in the water and sanitation sector in Benin in bringing it it the national agenda.
/ West Africa

TFTC benefitting to 45,000 individuals in three countries, project review meeting says

From 2 to 4 September 2019 in Lomé and Danyi-Apéyémé-Todome in Togo, GWP-WA and its partners CWP Benin, CWP Burkina Faso, Eau Vive Internationale Togo and the ISW met to review the implementation of the three country microprojects in order to draw lessons and recommendations to be taken into account for the consolidation of the results and the scaling up of the initiative.
/ West Africa

New site for TFTC pilot action in Burkina Faso

The TFTC Project in Burkina Faso is relocating the site of its pilot action from Koankin (Sapone) to Ramitenga (Loumbila). A visit to the new site was carried out on 10 September 2019 by GWP-WA, the CWP Burkina and service providers to review the site in order to consider appropriate solutions. Exchanges were held with the beneficiaries on the various resources and training necessary for the successful implementation of the project through the establishment of a Farmer Field School.