News & Events

/ West Africa

Benin: Massive fish death in Lake Toho sets to strengthen IWRM approach, CWP asked for collaboration

In the night of Wednesday 16 to Thursday 17 May, a drama occurred in Lake Toho in Kpinou, in the commune of Athiémé /Departement of Mono, South-West Benin. Lifeless fish floated to the surface of the lake. The authorities of the sectoral ministries, in turn, went down to the site to observe the damage. Thousands of dead fish lay on the ground of a fish farm developer in Kpinnou.
/ West Africa

CWP Guinea meet NGO partners

The chair of CWP Guinea, Mamadou Alpha Hann together with the vice chair and executive secretary had an information meeting with the NGOs partners of the CWP on 26 May 2018.
/ West Africa

Mali, SC of the IWRM Support programme discusses the necessary reorientation

The Malian Minister of Energy and Water, Malick Alhousseïni, presided over the opening ceremony of the Steering Committee of the Joint Water Resources Management Support Programme (PCA-GIRE) met on May 31st in Bamako. In attendance was also the Swedish Ambassador, the representative of the Dutch Embassy and the Chair of CWP-Mali.
/ West Africa

The Malian civil society positions on waste management in Bamako

The National Coalition of the International Drinking Water and Sanitation Campaign (CN-CIEPA/WASH) in partnership with the International Water and Sanitation Centre (IRC) are mobilizing civil society organizations (including the CWP) to position themselves on the rationale of waste management in the Malian capital city Bamako.