Strengthening the flood forecasting and early warning mechanism in Turkmenistan

Based on the agreement dated 07.06.2021 between the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) and the Global Water Partnership Organisation (GWPO) in cooperation with its Regional Office for Central Asia and the Caucasus, series of Working Group Meetings were organized in January 2022 in Ashgabat.

 These meetings aimed to provide an expert support to the activities related to the assessment of technical and human resource capacities of the national hydrometeorological service of Turkmenistan, to strengthen the mechanisms for forecasting and early warning of within the regional program titled “CAFEWS: Central Asia-Afghanistan Flood Early Warning System for the Amu Darya and Syr Darya Basins”.

 The expert discussions covered the following issues:

1. Institutional and legal aspects for solving problems of flood forecasting and early warning

2. Technical aspects for solving problems of flood forecasting and early warning

3. Issues of increasing human resources and financial sustainability for solving the problems of forecasting and early warning of floods

During these events, specialists of the Hydrometeorological Service of the Ministry of Agriculture and Environmental Protection of Turkmenistan got acquainted with international standards and methodology for organizing the work of the hydrometeorological service to solve the problems of forecasting and early warning of floods, and also discussed issues of improving the personnel and technical potential of the service and prospects for strengthening intercountry cooperation in solving national and regionally significant tasks.

 Also, Working Group Members got a fruitful discussion on gap assessment and identified a priority needs and roadmap to strength the capacity of the National Hydromet Service for efficient solution of National and Regional issues.

 Global Water Partnership for Central Asia and the Caucasus provided the consultancy support to inform the specialists of the Hydrometeorology Service – Working Group members - on international standards & methodologies for applied forecasting and early warning of floods.