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CLOSED:Call for the Recruitment of Institutional and Environmental Expert 07/2025/GCF

The Global Water Partnership - Mediterranean is seeking to hire a Senior Programme Officer. The successful candidate will be hired by the Mediterranean Information Office for Environment, Culture and Sustainable Development (MIO-ECSDE), a civil non-profit society based in Greece, in its capacity as Host Institute for GWP-Med.

CLOSED: Call for the Recruitment of Stakeholder engagement specialist - 06/2025/GCF

The Global Water Partnership - Mediterranean is seeking to hire a Senior Programme Officer. The successful candidate will be hired by the Mediterranean Information Office for Environment, Culture and Sustainable Development (MIO-ECSDE), a civil non-profit society based in Greece, in its capacity as Host Institute for GWP-Med.
/ Southern Africa

Mozambique and Zimbabwe commit to tackling escalating challenges in the Buzi, Pungwe, and Save River Basins

The governments of Mozambique and Zimbabwe have pledged their commitment to tackling social, economic, and environmental challenges on the increase in the Buzi, Pungwe, and Save (BUPUSA) River Basins, shared exclusively by the two countries. The commitment was expressed through the signing of the Strategic Action Programme (SAP) for the BUPUSA Watercourses by ministers for water in the two countries, on 29 November 2024. The 10-year SAP was developed by the two governments with funding from the Global Environment Facility (GEF) and technical support from the Global Water Partnership Southern Africa and the International Union for Conservation of Nature.
/ Eastern Africa, Southern Africa

Upcoming event: Pan-Africa Water Governance and International Water Law (IWL) Training-9-12 December 2024

Join us for a transformative training designed to foster partnerships and build your expertise in transboundary water law. The 2024 Pan Africa Water Governance and International Water Law (IWL) Training which will be held on 9-12 December 2024 in Entebbe, Uganda in a hybrid format will help participants gain skills and knowledge needed to develop effective agreements and promote stronger cooperation over shared water resources across Africa.
/ Mediterranean

CLOSED:Call for the Recruitment of SENIOR PROGRAMME OFFICER(45/2024/Drin II)

The Global Water Partnership - Mediterranean is seeking to hire a Senior Programme Officer. The successful candidate will be hired by the Mediterranean Information Office for Environment, Culture and Sustainable Development (MIO-ECSDE), a civil non-profit society based in Greece, in its capacity as Host Institute for GWP-Med.
/ Southern Africa

GWPSA @ the 25th WaterNet/WARFSA/GWPSA Symposium

The 25th WaterNet/WARFSA/GWPSA Symposium will be held from 30th October to 1st November 2024, at Avani Maseru Hotel, Maseru, the Mountain Kingdom of Lesotho. The event will be held under the theme, “Enhancing Sustainability: Upscaling Innovations and Best Practices for Integrated Catchment and Water Resources Management (ICWRM) in Eastern and Southern Africa – Leaving No One Behind”
/ Southern Africa

GWPSA and FAO Champion Gender Equality and Social Inclusion at Drought Resilience +10 Conference in Geneva

The Global Water Partnership Southern Africa (GWPSA) played a key role in the Drought Resilience +10 Conference held from 30 September to 2 October 2024 in Geneva. Building on the outcomes of the first High-Level Meeting on National Drought Policies in 2013, the conference focused on accelerating actions to build drought resilience worldwide. It gathered countries, experts, and practitioners to review progress in drought management and outline a collective path forward.
/ Mediterranean

CLOSED: Call for the Recruitment of SENIOR PROGRAMME OFFICER - 41/2023/Med Project

The Global Water Partnership - Mediterranean is seeking to hire a Senior Programme Officer. The successful candidate will be hired by the Mediterranean Information Office for Environment, Culture and Sustainable Development (MIO-ECSDE), a civil non-profit society based in Greece, in its capacity as Host Institute for GWP-Med.
/ Central and Eastern Europe

OPTAIN Partners Gathered for the Big Talks Once Again – Report from the 4th General Assembly

From 19th to 22nd September 2023, the 4th General Assembly meeting took place, hosted by the University of Milan. This gathering was set in the vicinity of Iseo Lake in the charming Italian town of Iseo. It brought together 60 representatives from the project consortium, offering them a platform to discuss the progress of their work.