/ Central Africa

The GWP CAf held its 12th Steering Committee

Held from October 3 to 4, 2018, this Steering Committee brought together the presidents of the 5 PNEs of the Central African sub-region (Cameroon, Congo, CAR, Chad and Sao Tome and Principe), a representative of the GWPO, a member of the Scientific and Technical Committee (STC), and the other members of the Steering Committee who are representatives of the Association of Journalists for Climate of the Republic of Congo, LCBC (Lake Chad Basin Commission), RECOJAC, WWF Cameroon and the President of AMCOW TAC in Central Africa, special guest.
/ Central Africa

Sao Tomé CWP and Unicef are considering a possible collaboration

At the request of the Sao Tome and Principe CWP, a meeting was organised with the Unicef office in Sao Tome and Principe to share the actions carried out by the Sao Tome and Principe CWP, possible cooperation agreements and protocols and identify projects that could be implemented jointly by the two structures.
/ Central Africa

Swiss Cooperation on a working visit to the GWP-CAf

The GWP-CAf secretariat received a delegation from the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) on a working visit to Cameroon from 10 to 14 September 2018. The delegation was led by Mr. Pierre KISTLER, Programme Manager of the SDC's Global Water Programme, accompanied by Miss. Lauriane Bolomey, SDC intern.