/ Central Africa

Central African Youths en route to the 9th World Water Forum

In preparation for the 9th World Water Forum to be held in Dakar in 2022, the Network of Water and Climate Organizations of Central African Youth (RECOJAC) organized a regional workshop on September 24th, 2021 within the framework of its Dakar 2022 youth mobilization project, Central African Youths Towards Dakar 2022 (CAY-TDAKAR2022), funded by UNESCO and supported by GWPO and GWP-CAf.
/ Central Africa

Applying the Source-to-Sea approach for healthy rivers in Douala, Cameroon

In response to a request made by the Urban Council of Douala during the June 2020 GWP-Cameroon Steering committee meeting, GWP-Cameroon with the support of GWPO is working on a Source to Sea approach project to better manage plastic waste to ensure healthy rivers in Cameroon’s economic capital, Douala.
/ Central Africa

Ensuring food security in Cameroon by reducing farmers vulnerability to climate change

To support Cameroon in the implementation of its new national development strategy 2030 which aims in part to ensure food security, the Department of National Meteorology of the Ministry of Transport (MINT) and GWP-Cameroon joined forces with the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) to address climate vulnerabilities in the Far North Region through a practical training of farmers in Meri on the weather, climate, and agriculture from August 18th - 20th, 2021.
/ Central Africa

Improving the implementation of IWRM in the Lake Chad Basin within the climate change context: LCBC and GWP-CAf organize a training of trainers

As part of the Global Environment Facility (GEF) funded regional initiative, "Lake Chad Management Improvement Support" project, jointly implemented by the Lake Chad Basin Commission (LCBC) and the United Nations Development Program (UNDP), the LCBC in collaboration with GWP Central Africa (GWP-CAf) organized a regional workshop in Douala, Cameroon from July 6th – 9th, 2021 to train national and regional trainers on the implementation of Integrated Water Resource Management (IWRM) approach at the transboundary level within a climate change context.
/ Central Africa

Central African Republic Commits to Strengthening Climate Change adaptation through GCF Readiness

After nominating Global Water Partnership Organization (GWPO) as the implementing partner for the Green Climate Fund (GCF) Readiness program, the Central African Republic National Climate Coordination, through the support of GWP Central African Republic (GWP-CAR), the Ministry in charge of Water and the Ministry in charge of Environment and Sustainable Development organized a national multi-stakeholder workshop on June 22nd, 2021, in Bangui, to present and approve the country’s draft proposal for GCF Readiness programme

Adressing formal and informal barriers: key to achieving gender equality in Cameroon's Water and Climate Sector

Following a study conducted by GWP-Cameroon within the context of the AIP Water Climate Development-Gender Program (WACDEP-G) to identify the formal and informal barriers to gender equality in the planning and implementation of development projects in the country’s water and climate sector, a stakeholder dialogue was held in Douala from April 29th – 30th to consolidate and enrich the results and recommendations of the study.