IWRM Case Studies

IWRM has been implemented in China since it was founded at both provincial and country levels. The cases present the utilization of IWRM ToolBox tools in different provinces and areas. All of them are collected into GWPO ToolBox database to share with others around the world.

Contributed by GWP China in 2016

Case Study #476:  The Ways to Address Disputes in Zhang River

Zhang River runs through Shanxi Province, Hebei Province and Henan Province as the border of Hebei and Henan Provinces. Within the basin, there is a large population but inadequate water and land resources. The residents of the villages along the river only have a small amount of valley terraces and flood land barely meeting their survival demand. The water disputes of Zhang River were triggered in the 1950s owing to the limited natural resources, mainly on the Zhuozhang River, the Qingzhang River and the main stream of the Zhang River in the border area of Shanxi, Hebei and Henan. The number of destructive incidents of water projects in Hongqi Canal of Henan Province, Dayuefeng Canal of Hebei Province and Baishan Canal of Hebei was over 30. The residents of villages on both sides of Zhuozhang River from Hebei Province and Henan Province shelled each other and fought with weapons. The Zhang River region was one of the worst regions that had been suffered by the greatest water conflicts.  [Read more....]

Case Study #483:  The Functional and Protective Mechanism of Gravity Irrigation System in Ziquejie Terrace

  (Photo: by Daidi Zhang)

The Ziquejie Terrace is one of the three famous Chinese ancient terraces in Hunan Province. The crops cultivated in the terraces can manage to thrive through drought and flood without reservoir or other water storage constructions. This traditional primitive gravity irrigation system is a model for ecological construction of irrigation systems. However, the mechanism of Gravity Irrigation and water allocation within Ziquejie Terrace has not been well revealed, which to large extent affects the efficiency of environmental and ecological protection for this extraordinary natural reserve. [Read more....]

More cases about China's experiences in Toolbox are available here:

Case Study #422:   Eco-compensation for watershed

Case Study #420:   From flood control to integrated flood management

Case Study #419:   Management of drought (Guizhou)

Case Study #406:   Integrated ecosystem management in Upper Yangtze River Basin

Case Study #403:   Adaption measures for Yangtze River Basin

Case Study #401:   Innovative Water Resource Management Mechanism in Rural Communities (GWP China Fujian)

Case Study #352:   Storage and use of rainwater (GWP China Hebei)

Case Study #349:   Improving coastal water quality, Hai River Basin

Case Study #348:   Innovative Water Resource Conservation Measures in the North China Plain

Case Study #312:   Development and management of groundwater irrigation in Hengshui

Case Study #168:   Wetland restoration through developing alternative sources of income for farmers in the Yangtze River Basin