Detailed Description:
The investment in water facilities is a fundamental public welfare. The Chinese Government will improve the fund raising channels for the national and local water social and projects construction; implement the water development policies on the benefits accrued from the land 10% of farmland; strengthen financial support for water infrastructure construction and attract a wide range of social water investment funds. In 2011 and 2012, the water sector investment in China reached UISD 54.9 billion and USD 64.5 billion, and the total investment in water in the next 10 years (2011-2020) will be more than 636 billion U.S. dollars.
For better knowledge of using the investment, GWP China will jointly work with the Provincial/River Basin Water Partnerships, the Department of Finance and the Department of Water Resources of the Ministry of Water Resources, the Ministry of Finance and related governmental agencies; and invite economic experts and water professionals of Beijing Renmin University, Hohai University and Tsinghua University to conduct investigation and draft research reports. The package will be completed through collecting investment outcomes; analyzing the outcomes in different uses, evaluating the analysis outcomes and delivering the improvement proposal to influence the relevant authorizes for the improvement of investment plan in water sector.
Work Package Outputs:
(1)Investigation reports;
(2)Analysis reports;
(3)Improvement proposals.