/ China

GWP China Yangtze River on Water Risk Management

International Seminar on Risk Management of Extreme Flood and Drought Disaster convened 100+ experts from European and Asian-Pacific regions to share their knowledge fruits and attracted 500+viewers flooded into the broadcast studio.
/ China

UNGA President Visited GWP China's Host Institute

February 3, 2022, President Csaba Korosi of the 77th United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) led a delegation to the regional office’s host institute of GWP China, China Institute of Water Resources and Hydropower Research (IWHR).
/ China

GWP Vice Chair Tells Water Stories on Science TV

October 30, 2022, GWP China vice Chair, Hao WANG, moderated Science Programme of Beijing TV and told audiences about ‘South-North Water Division’, ‘Sponge City Development’, and their impact on our daily life.
/ China

Lancang-Mekong Baby On Drought Solution

Lancang-Mekong area is one of the regions with the greatest development potential in Asia and beyond. 2022 marks the 6th year of the Lancang-Mekong Cooperation (LMC) mechanism.
/ China

Stories On Yellow River and Yangtze River

October 1-2, 2022, GWP China coordinator, Yunzhong JIANG, brought netizens a live broadcast ‘Rushing Rivers’ along with the China Youth Daily and told them visual stories of the Yellow River and Yangtze River.
/ China

Big Data Supports IWRM

September 8, 2022, GWP China organized experts online and offline to contribute to the theme of "Big Data Supports Integrated Water Resources Management(IWRM)" as a side-event of the 2022 International Forum on Big Data for Sustainable Development Goals (FBAS 2022).
/ China

Mock Top Leaders' Summit

May 22-23, 2022, GWP China joined Tsinghua to complete a mock leaders' dialogue on Langcang-Mekong Cooperation(LMC). GWP China Fujian recommended Prof. David J. Devlaeminck (PhD) to coach undergraduates of Tsinghua University in their role play practice of powers' communication in the trans-boundary process.