News List before 2016

GWP China and its provincial/river basin partnerships have been working in different fields to promote water related activities.

The Sixth World Water Forum

The 6th WWF was taken place on March 12 to March 17, in Marseille, France. The delegation of GWP China which was formed with four members and led by Dong Zheren, the Standing vice Chair of GWP China participated in the forum.


High-level Forum on Urban Water Environment Building and Management

For the purpose of better building and management of urban water environment, the GWP China Hebei, jointly with Water Branch of Hebei Provincial Senior Scientists Association and Water Bureau of Shijiazhuang City of Hebei Province, organized “High-level Forum on Urban Water Environment Building and Management” on November 27- 28, 2011  in Shijiazhuang, Hebei Province with over 80 participants .