News List before 2016

GWP China and its provincial/river basin partnerships have been working in different fields to promote water related activities.

Workshop on Xiangjiang River Basin Management

The workshop on Xiangjiang River Basin Management, organized by GWP China Hunan, was held on November 24 -25, 2011 in Hengyang, Hunan Province with over 70 participants from governmental agencies, research institutions, universities and NGOs. Mr. Zheng Rugang, the Coordinator of GWP China, participated and made a speech on behalf of GWP China.

Dialogue Workshop on Water Resources Protection and Emergency Response Mechanisms of Water Pollution of Yellow River

The Dialogue Workshop on Water Resources Protection and Emergency Response Mechanisms of Water Pollution of Yellow River was co-organized by the GWP China Yellow River for deep discussion about the experiences of river protection, current challenges of water resources management and protection, emergency responses of river basin pollution and problems of emergency response mechanisms.

Workshop on Guo Shoujing’s Innovative Spirit

Workshop on Integrated Water Environment Management in the Light of Guoshoujing Innovative Spirit was organized to learn and develop innovative spirit in the field of water environment management in the name of Guoshoujing on purpose.

Investigation and survey of GWP China Fujian

The investigation and survey on water resources in islands, rural drinking water safety and small watershed management carried out by GWP China Fujian, with the support from Fujian Provincial Water Resources Department, starting from earlier this year, ended in August.

Workshop on Groundwater Development and Utilization in Jinghui Canal Irrigation Area

Workshop on Groundwater Development and Utilization in Jinghui Canal Irrigation Area was taken place in Xi’an, Shaanxi Province. The workshop was sponsored by the GWP China Shaanxi, co-sponsored by Shaanxi Provincial Water Resources Department,Shaanxi Provincial Hydraulic Engineering Society and Shaanxi Provincial Irrigation Systems Association on June 22, 2011.

Minister Chen Lei met with GWP Steering Committee members

On May 19, 2010, Mr. Chen Lei, Minister of Water Resources of the People’s Republic of China, met with the GWP Steering Committee members at Diaoyutai State Guesthouse and had a dinner together later. Some other senior leaders of the Ministry of Water Resources, the leader of GWP China’s host institute  together with Mr. Wang Shucheng, Chair of GWP China, Dr. Dong Zheren, Standing vice Chair of GWP China, Prof. Wang Hao, Vice Chair of GWP China and Mr. Zheng Rugang, Coordinator of GWP China also joined.