The five sub-themes of #CWW2020 are:
- Water security for sustainable development
- Cooperation for achieving water security
- Water-food-energy NEXUS
- Climate change and water security
- Innovative solutions for water security
GWP Senior Network Specialist Julienne Roux will talk about how the interlinkages between water insecurity and migration are approached within the preparatory process for the 9th World Water Forum, through the work of the action group on water and migration set up under the rural development priority of the Forum.
Co-organising sessions
Additionally, GWP Mediterranean is co-organising several sessions during the week, focusing on facilitating investments in the water sector, the role of gender in water diplomacy and mobilising Young Professionals in the fight to meet the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
Full details of these events with registration links are available here.
#CWW2020 is organised by the Egyptian Ministry of Water Resources and Irrigation, in collaboration with national, regional and international partners. More than 1200 participants are expected from across the globe.