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GWP @ the 10th Session Meeting of Parties to the Water Convention (MOP10)

On 23-25 October, more than 500 representatives of Ministries from about 80 countries responsible for water, environment, foreign affairs and development cooperation – from both Parties and non-Parties to the Water Convention – together with representatives of joint bodies, international and non-governmental organizations, international financial Institutions and academia from all regions of the world meet in Ljubljana, Slovenia for MOP10.

Response to Svenska Dagbladet’s article published on 19 October (Finances and concluding statement)

The recent article in Svenska Dagbladet on 19 October, reporting on GWP’s finances, presents a biased and incorrect picture of the organisation. The article fails to take into account the major shift in development aid financing generally that has also affected GWP, and it does not report on the extensive development of programme and project financing that GWP has secured in recent years.

Response to Svenska Dagbladet’s article published on 18 October (Partners)

At Global Water Partnership (GWP), we wish to address, clarify and correct the information presented in Svenska Dagbladet's (SvD) recent article regarding our partner database, published on 18 October. The SvD article presents a misleading view of GWP’s operations by focusing solely on one category of partners, misrepresenting key facts, and failing to provide accurate information to its readers about how our organisation works and how it makes effective use of development aid funding.
/ Global

Response to Svenska Dagbladet's article series on GWP

We are concerned about the recent series of articles published by Svenska Dagbladet (SvD) regarding the Global Water Partnership (GWP). While we respect the role of investigative journalism, these articles present an unfair and misleading portrayal of our organisation.