WHAT: Launch of the Perspectives Paper "Storing water: A new integrated approach for resilient development". The paper is prepared by Winston Yu, William Rex, Matthew McCartney, Stefan Uhlenbrook, Rachel von Gnechten, and Jerry Delli Priscoli. It outlines a new and integrated water storage agenda for resilient development in a world increasingly characterised by water stress and climate uncertainty and variability.
During this event, the paper’s authors and reviewers will explore how water is stored in both natural and built systems above and below the ground, which interact in planned and unplanned ways. A panel discussion will spotlight different perspectives from around the world. This conversation is particularly important in view of the need to close the future gap between the water services needed and the storage available, especially in the face of more variability and uncertainty.
WHEN: Wednesday 24 February, 2:00 PM CET.
WHERE: Online
HOW: Please register through this link.
WHO: GWP Technical Committee Chair Jerome Delli Priscoli hosts the event, together with the other presenters in this agenda: