Using data in transboundary water management & negotiations

This online session is planned for 2 November 2022. In this 14th installment, we investigate the relationship between data and decision-making over transboundary waters.

This event is part of ongoing efforts to engage more with participants of the Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) on Governance for Transboundary Freshwater Security. 

WHEN: Wednesday, 2 November, at 7:00 (Oregon), 10:00 (Washington DC), 14:00 (London), 15:00 (Stockholm), 17:00 (Nairobi), 21:00 (Bangkok), 22:00 (Beijing)

DURATION: 1.5 hours

HOW: Registration is required.

WHAT: The speakers will reflect on several key questions:

  • What types of data are critical to policymaking and implementation?
  • What databases may be useful? 
  • How can data enhance dialogues and how can negotiations overcome data challenges?
  • What is missing from datasets?

More information about the session.