GWP at the 7th Ministerial Conference Astana 2011

21-23 September 2011 - The 7th Ministerial Conference Astana 2011 “Environment for Europe”

The United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE) conference will bring together ministers and representatives of civil society and business in Astana (Kazakhstan), from 21 to 23 September 2011.

Two major themes will drive the Conference agenda: “Sustainable management of water and water-related ecosystems” and “Greening the economy: mainstreaming the environment into economic development”.

Three multi-stakeholder round-table discussions will take place during the Conference:

• A first round table will consider how to ensure effective policies to protect water-related ecosystems and to address human health issues related to water quality and quantity, and will discuss in particular priorities and challenges in adapting management of water to extreme weather events and climate change.
• A second interactive discussion will aim to identify policy mixes and tools that are most effective to improve water efficiency by different users, and ways to encourage investors to take into account the impacts on water quality and quantity, energy and resource efficiency, and vulnerable populations.

• A third round table will debate policy mixes for enabling a green, inclusive, and competitive economy through an integrated approach, as well as approaches to resource efficiency, research, innovation and investment to help the transition towards a green economy.”

GWP Side Event

GWP will participate in the conference and hold a side event on "Economic growth and water: an integrated approach helps" on Friday 23 September 2011.

Download programme in English and Russian.

Visit the UNECE website