GWP Contributes to the Bonn 2011 Conference

The German Federal Government is organizing the international “Bonn2011 Conference: The Water Energy and Food Security Nexus – Solutions for the Green Economy” to be held from 16 to 18 November. The conference has been announced by German Chancellor Angela Merkel as a specific German contribution to the UN Conference on Sustainable Development “Rio2012”.

  • The Bonn2011 Conference will deliver on three objectives:
    To develop policy recommendations based on multi-stakeholder consultations and taking a nexus perspective
  • To position the water, energy and food security nexus perspective as an important dimension within the 'Rio2012' process as well as the Green Economy and Green Growth concepts
  • To launch concrete initiatives to address the water, energy, food security nexus in a coherent and sustainable way.

The Global Water Partnership will participate in the conference and has committed to contribute to the Bonn 2011 Conference processes with a scientific paper that aims to identify and analyze the enabling factors and incentives for decision makers to respond to the challenges of managing the water-energy - food security nexus in a coordinated and integrated way and within a “Green Economy” context.

In addition, in order to support the Bonn process at a regional level, GWP Regional Water Partnerships in the following regions will discuss these priority questions presented by the Bonn organisers.

1. Caucasus and Central Asia (representatives of 8 countries)
2. Central and Eastern Europe (representatives of 13 countries)
3. Mediterranean (representatives of 20 countries)
4. Southern Africa(representatives of 12 countries)
5. South East Asia (representatives of 9 countries)

Feedback will be provided from each of the meetings on specific issues in the region – where food, energy and water security issues are being tackled in an integrated way. The partnerships will also comment on existing processes and what further actions need to be undertaken to institutionalize an integrated approach. Read more.

More information about the conference.

Video with GWP Patron and former Chair Margaret Catley-Carlson.