High-Level International Conference on Water Cooperation in Dushanbe

A GWP delegation will participate at the High-Level International Conference on Water Cooperation in Dushanbe 20-21 August 2013.

Convened by the Republic of Tajikistan, the conference was envisaged in the UNGA resolution 65/154 on the "Implementation of the International Year of Water Cooperation, 2013" and constitutes one of the milestones during the year.

The conference will build on and pursue the deliberations of the High-level Dialogue in New York and the High Level Forum in The Hague on World Water Day, 22 March 2013, as well as other international and regional events on water cooperation.

It will contribute to achieving the objectives of the International Year of Water Cooperation, in particular:

  • mobilize stronger political commitment and actions towards the implementation of international agreements;
  • undertake more far-reaching public awareness campaigns, as well as education regarding effective water cooperation and dialogue;
  • promote the exchange of experiences in successful policies and best practices at the local, national, regional and international levels;
  • strengthen partnerships and cooperation between the public and private sectors, as well as among communities, local authorities and governments;
  • enhance international and regional cooperation.
    A special exhibition will also highlight water issues and challenges faced by all nations and their populations.

GWP Central Asia and Caucasus: A Special Focused Event

In connection to the conference, GWP Central Asia and Caucasus will organise a side event with the aim to present a programme on Climate Change Adaptation for 2013-2015 to a wider audience.

The two-day workshop, also held 20-21 August, will elaborate on IWRM as a practical approach to climate change adaptation in Central Asia and Caucasus, and demonstrate pilot projects on IWRM implementation. The workshop is open to interested organisations and countries in the region.

More information and a programme for the event will be published soon.