GWP at COP16 in Cancun, Mexico

GWP is sending a delegation to the UNFCCC Conference that is meeting in Cancun, Mexico 29th of November to the 10th of December (COP 16). GWP is involved in various events and will advocate for the pivotal role of water in climate change adaptation.

GWP is represented by delegates from Africa, Central America, China and the Mediterranean, with GWP Chair Dr Letitia A Obeng as the head of the delegation.

  • The 1st of December marks the beginning of GWP involvement with events such as:

- Panels on Floods, Droughts, and Water, Food and Energy

- The culminating point of the day for GWP is the Panel on IWRM and NAPAs. This panel debate draws on the knowledge of experts involved in the development of IWRM plans and NAPAs to identify win-win opportunities for strengthening the development and implementation of these plans, see programme.

  • The 2nd of December, GWP Senior Network Officer and Climate Change Focal Point Alex Simalabwi participates in the BMZ Side Event "Innovative Responses to Climate Change in Urban Service Delivery", see concept note.
  • The 6th of December, GWP Chair Letitia A Obeng is the moderator of a joint Side Event with the Water and Climate Coalition and the Böll Foundation "Water Climate and Development: Linking up Development Agendas and Putting Water Security First", see programme. Mr. Alex Simalabwi participates in the UNFCCC Meeting on Nairobi Work Programme of which GWP is a partner.
  • The 7th of December, GWP arranges an event for GWP Africa and AMCOW.
  • On the 8th of December, the final event for GWP is the High Level Event on Water and Climate. Delegates will present the key political messages coming from the first week of the Dialogues for Water and Climate (D4WCC) and will reinforce the political commitment needed for water-based adaptation to climate change. GWP was requested to participate in various Panels at these dialogues.

GWP delegates are participating in a selection of UNFCCC side events related to finance and adaptation.

There is also a GWP Exhibit where materials are being distributed.

GWP Booth at COP16