Conclusions of the Dialogs for Water and Climate Change

Cancun, December 8, 2010. This morning the closure of the Dialogs for Water and Climate Change (D4WCC) were held during a side event session that had the participation of high level speakers.

Coordinated by the National Water Commission of Mexico (CONAGUA) and having the support of different regional and global organizations such as the Global Water Partnership (GWP), the Dialogs took place last week. On Friday, December 3, the Chair of GWP Costa Rica, Ms. Maureen Ballestero, presented a document titled, “Regional Policy Dialog in Latin America and the Caribbean—Challenges and Opportunities for Water-Based Adaptation to Climate Change: Elements for a Regional Agenda.” GWP Central America participated in the development of the document.

The objective of today’s activity was to present the key messages coming from the first week of the D4WCC, for them to be debated by a select group of decision-makers made up of representatives of national governments, intergovernmental organizations, IFIs and NGOs. The Dialogs were meant to reinforce the political commitment needed for water-based adaptation to climate change to be formally recognized as a necessary measure to face the growing consequences of climate change.

Mr. Henk van Schaik, International Program Coordinator of the Cooperative Programme on Water and Climate (CPWC), presented the main conclusions of the Dialogs.