The Freshwater-Coast-Sea Nexus

Cancun, Mexico. December 7. On Saturday, December 4, Dr. Letitia A. Obeng, Chair of Global Water Partnership (GWP) spoke briefly to the participants who attended The Oceans Day at Cancun.

“We have to work together,” said Dr. Obeng, referring to the need to coordinate and unify efforts between those who work on integrated water resources management and those who work with oceans.

“I think especially for us at GWP, we need to remember when we are supporting integrated water resources management planning in countries that we try to engage those who are looking at the small island state issues and all coastal zone management issues,” said Dr. Obeng.

Recent evidence indicates that the impacts of the changing global climate on oceans and coasts now exceed the findings of the 2007 Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). During that year the UNFCCC estimated the cost of adaptation in coastal zones at about $11 billion per year, using lower sea level rise predictions and not including potential impacts of increased storm intensity.

The Oceans Day highlighted the direct link between climate change, the health of the oceans, and human well-being, as well as the need for sufficient funding to support mitigation and adaptation measures to minimize climate change impacts on coastal communities and ocean resources. It was noted that good adaptation depends on integrating coastal and ocean management institutions at local and regional levels in order to improve preparedness, resilience, and adaptive capacities of coastal communities.