GWP Technical Committee Chair Dr. Mohamed Ait-Kadi will participate to do a presentation on "Managing Water Resources: Today's Global Challenges" at a session on international environmental policy: "The United Nations conference on sustainable development in 2012: can it deliver on global efficiency?" on 26 May at 16.30-18.00.
The session will discuss how UNCSD can help move the resource efficiency agenda forward at global level. Which concrete outcomes should be pursued in terms of policy-instruments? What specific issues (e.g. water, food, energy) and policies (e.g. development cooperation, trade) should it address and how? What role is there for private sector initiatives alongside actions by public authorities?
GWP Mediterranean Chair Michael Scollous will also particpate in the session on "The blue challenge: optimal use of marine resources".
More information about the Green Week.
(Photo: Dr Mohamed Ait Kadi, Chair Technical Committee, Global Water Partnership - Achim Steiner, United Nations Under-Secretary General, UNEP Executive Director, © EU)