GWP @ the 10th Session Meeting of Parties to the Water Convention (MOP10)

On 23-25 October, more than 500 representatives of Ministries from about 80 countries responsible for water, environment, foreign affairs and development cooperation – from both Parties and non-Parties to the Water Convention – together with representatives of joint bodies, international and non-governmental organizations, international financial Institutions and academia from all regions of the world meet in Ljubljana, Slovenia for MOP10.

📅 23-25 October 2024

📍 Ljubljana, Slovenia

GWP's Delegation:

  • Alan AtKisson, Executive Secretary & CEO 
  • Dimitris Faloutsos, Deputy Coordinator of Transboundary Cooperation
  • Yelysaveta Demydenko, Senior Programme Associate

Learn more about MOP10 here and explore GWP’s participation below.

23 October

15:00-16:00 High-Level Panel

On the opening day, GWP’s Executive Secretary & CEO Alan AtKisson will be on the panel of the Transboundary and intersectoral cooperation for climate mitigation: Implementing the water-food-energy-ecosystems nexus of the High-Level Segment.

In his speech, AtKisson will account for how GWP has been active in supporting countries in implementing transboundary and intersectoral cooperation, in view of more effective, and efficient climate action. GWP’s work on the Drin River Basin will be highlighted as an example of added value of intersectoral cooperation, from the point of view of climate resilience.


25 October

8:30-9:45 From data to action: using SDG 6.5 reporting to enhance transboundary cooperation

Dimitris Faloutsos will give the opening remarks and Yelysaveta Demydenko an introductory presentation on SDG 6.5.1 at the side event From data to action: using SDG 6.5 reporting to enhance transboundary cooperation, organised by GWP, the UNECE Water Convention, UNESCO and UNEP-DHI.

The side event explores how countries can leverage SDG indicators 6.5.2 and 6.5.1 monitoring processes, alongside the Water Convention’s Practical Guide on the development of agreements, to initiate or enhance operational arrangements for transboundary water cooperation.

13:30-14:45 Strengthening transboundary cooperation through holistic source-to-sea management

Dimitris Faloutsos will speak at the Strengthening transboundary cooperation through holistic source-to-sea management session led by the S2S Platform, SIWI, and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Worship, Costa Rica.

The session explores how integrated source-to-sea management approaches can play a critical role in achieving sustainable development, particularly in relation to SDG 6 (Clean Water and Sanitation), SDG 14 (Life Below Water) and SDG 15 (Life on Land).