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/ West Africa

Strengthening coordination for the protection of Volta Basin Ecosystems: REWarD-Volta Basin Project in Action

The Volta Basin Authority (VBA) in collaboration with the Global Water Partnership in West Africa (GWP-WA) organise a regional workshop to accelerate the implementation of the activities of the project ‘Reversing Water and Ecosystem Degradation in the Volta Basin’ or REWarD - Volta River Basin. This workshop takes place from 14 to 17 January 2025 in Lomé, Togo.
/ West Africa

Water valuation and resilient development, stakeholders from West Africa and the Sahel consolidate the DREVE initiative

The States and regional organisations of West Africa and the Sahel region met virtually on 5 December 2024 to discuss the sustainable management of water resources in West Africa, with a particular focus on the regional initiative for the development, resilience and valorisation of water for West Africa (DREVE) and its various pillars. Participants discussed the challenges and opportunities related to climate risk management, project financing, capacity building and the preservation of the Fouta Djallon Mountains.
/ West Africa

2nd meeting of the GWP-WA Steering Committee

The GWP-WA Steering Committee met for its second session of 2024 and reviewed progress on the year's work plan, the work plan and budget for 2025, while discussing the financial and institutional challenges facing the GWP network.
/ West Africa

Implementing the Convention and promoting integrated water resources management through national and regional actions

On the occasion of the 10th Meeting of the Parties (MOP 10) to the Water Convention from 23 to 25 October 2024 in Ljubljana, Slovenia, the Global Water Partnership in West Africa (GWP-WA), the West African Economic and Monetary Union Commission (WAEMU), the Pôle Eau Dakar, Secretariat of the Water Convention and the United Nations Environment Programme - DHI Centre (UNEP-DHI), FAO co-organised a side event on the theme of ‘Implementing the Convention and promoting integrated water resources management through national and regional action’.
/ West Africa

The PNECI aims to set up an IWRM Platform in Côte d'Ivoire

In their efforts to relaunch activities and set up the IWRM Platform, the Chair of the Côte d'Ivoire Country Water Partnership (PNECI) and his team had a working meeting with the International Organisation for Migration (IOM)-Côte d'Ivoire.