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/ Eastern Africa

GWP-EA gets new Chair

Mr. Francois Tetero has been appointed as the new Chairman of the Consulting Partners and Regional Steering Committee for the Global Water Partnership Eastern Africa
/ Eastern Africa

Sudan and Slovakia Water Partnerships Collaborate

Cooperation between GWP Slovakia and the Eastern Africa region has been in existence for quite some time. A Memorandum of Understanding was signed in Khartoum in March to outline the next steps of collaboration.

/ Eastern Africa

Training on Applying IWRM Tools for Drought Risk Management

Global Water Partnership Eastern Africa in partnership with Nile IWRM Net/Cap-Net are organizing a training on applying Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM) tools for Drought Risk Management. The training will take place in Nairobi, Kenya, 20-24 June 2016. It is open for a maximum of 30 participants from the Eastern Africa region.

/ Eastern Africa, Global

GWP launched its 20th anniversary video

To commemorate GWP’s 20th anniversary, a 2-minute video has been produced explaining – without words – the challenges of the world’s water crises and GWP’s answer: join our network so that all stakeholders can work in partnership to secure water for sustainable development.

/ Eastern Africa

A Lady Engineer Overcomes Challenges Through Hard Work

On the occasion of International Women’s Day (8 March), Global Water Partnership has interviewed women in the water community across the Network on their journey to become successful in their professions, how to overcome obstacles they face as women, and also recommendations to other women.

/ Eastern Africa

Using Community Education to Promote Women's Role in Water Sector

On the occasion of International Women’s Day (8 March), Global Water Partnership has interviewed women in the water community across the Network on their journey to become successful in their professions, how to overcome obstacles they face as women, and also recommendations to other women.

/ Eastern Africa

Engaging Media Practitioners in the Region

From 22- 23 October 2015, the Global Water Partnership Eastern Africa (GWPEA) conducted a regional workshop themed “ Role of the media in promoting water security, climate resilience and drought risk management”. The workshop was attended by 15 media practitioners from Uganda, Kenya, Rwanda, Burundi, Sudan, Ethiopia and Djibouti.