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/ Eastern Africa, Global

Somalia to Become Newest GWP Country Water Partnership

The Regional Secretariat of GWP Eastern Africa assisted with technical and financial support to a meeting in Mogadishu to launch a Somalia Country Water Partnership on 29th January 2014. As a result of the meeting, Somalia is soon set to join GWP by establishing a Country Water Partnership.

/ Global

GWP and UNICEF Establish Strategic Partnership

Global Water Partnership (GWP) and the United Nations Children's Fund, UNICEF, have agreed to establish a strategic partnership to jointly undertake work on climate resilience and WASH. The initial collaboration is for six months, with a potential continuation.

/ Global

E-module on IWRM Building Momentum

An e-module on IWRM was launched in 2012 after a lengthy a collaboration between several German institutions that had identified a gap in the field of integrated water resources management education. The development of the module continues, with GWP as a potential “catalyst” to generate further interest in the module.

/ Southeast Asia

Our Involvement in NARBO Training

One of our partners, The Network of Asian River Basin Organizations (NARBO), held its 8th IWRM Training in Thulhiriya, SriLanka from 27 November-4 December 2013 to be hosted by Mahaweli Authority of Sri Lanka (MASL).  The Training theme is "Enhanced Water Security through IWRM - Mahaweli Experience".

The eight days training program used a mix of participatory and trans-disciplinary case studies which aims to develop the capacity of participants in IWRM Implementation by using the "IWRM Spiral Model" which was introduced as part of the "IWRM Guidelines at River Basin Level" and issued by UNESCO in 2009. 27 Participants from 11 countries includes: Lao PDR, Thailand, Malaysia, Indonesia, Philippines, India, Nepal, Bangladesh, Pakistan, Afghanistan and Sri Lanka.

/ Southeast Asia

Country Toolbox Website Consolidation

On 18 December 2013, Indonesia Water Partnership re-introduced Tool Box to 14 participants who came from Government, Professional, University, and NGO. Resource Persons came from: Government (DG Water Resources, Ministriof Public Work); Private Companies, NGOs, Highe Education (University). Indonesia Water Partnership (INA-WP) as an organizer and Co-organizer was Directorate of Water Resources, Ministry of Public Work, Republic of Indonesia. Inkind support received are meeting room, sound system and LCD


“We are trying to bring more people to write and share their result of hard work in to article and share it with other people by using Tool Box” Dr. Melati Ferianita , Indonesia Water Partnership.   

/ Mediterranean

Launch of the national policy dialogue in Jordan

On 23 October 2013, the joint GWP-Med/OECD Project Governance & Financing for the Mediterranean Water Sector launched the national policy dialogue in Jordan during a consultation workshop held in Amman.
/ Caribbean

GWP Caribbean Launches Water, Climate and Development Programme

The Global Water Partnership-Caribbean (GWP-C) has received the support of a number of  Caribbean Ministers with responsibility for water; senior government officials from different sectors; national and regional agencies; and key partners, all of whom attended the launch of the GWP-C’s Water, Climate and Development Programme (WACDEP) for the Caribbean on October 10th, 2013 in Barbados.

/ Caribbean

GWP-C Spearheads the Application of the Caribbean Climate Online Risk and Adaptation Tool (CCORAL) to the Water Sector

The Global Water Partnership-Caribbean (GWP-C) has embarked on a new and exciting initiative, designed to develop practical and user-friendly tools for climate resilient decision-making, focused on the water sector in the Caribbean. The new initiative will be undertaken as part of the GWP-C Water, Climate and Development Programme (WACDEP) for the Caribbean.   

/ Southern Africa

Tanzania discusses post 2015 national priorities for water

The Tanzania Consultative Meeting on Water in the Post-2015 Agenda convened from 26 – 27 March 2013 at Ubungo Plaza in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. It was co-led by the Tanzania Country Water Partnership.