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/ Eastern Africa

Engaging Youth on Mainstreaming Water Security and Climate Resilience into catchment Based Planning Processes

One of the critical challenges facing the water sector is climate change. Studies have shown that Uganda is highly vulnerable to climate change and variability. This means that the economy and wellbeing of its people are tightly bound to climate. This has been demonstrated by increasing climate variability and occurrences of floods and droughts over the last two decades. These changes are likely to have significant implications for water sources, agriculture, food security, and soils.

/ Eastern Africa

Demonstrating IWRM as a tool for Drought Resilience in Uganda

Within the framework of IDMP implementation, GWPEA has started the process of documenting and sharing the knowledge about good case studies on drought resilience the Horn of Africa, in selected countries including Uganda, Kenya and Ethiopia

/ Eastern Africa

Announcement: Short-term consultancy Services

GWP Eastern Africa was constituted in 2003 by stakeholders to support the sustainable development and management of water resources at all levels in the region. It focuses on achieving the vision, mission and strategic goals of GWP global through approved workplans and budgets. It is based in Entebbe, Uganda.


One of GWPEA key partners to convey its messages and reach out to various stakeholders is the media. GWPEA values its crucial role and is constantly engaged in media relation initiatives, building the capacity of media practitioners and journalists to pick interest in water and climate change reporting so that there is an increase in number and quality of related stories in the media.


/ Eastern Africa

Engaging Youth on IWRM and Climate Change

GWPEA in collaboration with CapNet and Uganda National Water and Sewage Corporation organized a five days training for Young Water Professionals on Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM) and Climate change

/ Eastern Africa

GWP Eastern Africa Organized a Regional Training on IWRM Tools for Reducing Drought Risk Management

The Global Water Partnership, Eastern Africa in partnership with the Ethiopian Ministry of Water, Irrigation and Energy, the Nile IWRM-Net/ Cap-Net and Water and Land Resource for Ethiopian Country Water Partnership (WLRC) organized a Regional Training on Drought Risk Management and Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM) in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia from 15-19 June 2015.