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/ Central Africa

GWP trains over thirty journalists in the Central African Republic on water security, climate resilience, and the role of the media in IWRM communications

To strengthen journalists understanding of water security and climate resilience for effective communication with stakeholders, the Central Africa Republic Country Water Partnership (PNE-RCA), with the technical and financial support of the GWP Central Africa (GWP-CAF) and UNICEF, organized a two day capacity building workshop for media professionals in Bangui in December 2019. The participants at the workshop expressed their gratitude for the initiative and committed to contribute to the sensitization of stakeholders on water security and climate resilience. They also made a series of recommendations to key stakeholders, on enhancing water security and climate resilience. Steps have since been taken by PNE-RCA to implement the recommendations made towards the establishment of a network of water and climate journalists, and plans have been made to sustain it through subsequent capacity building workshops.
/ Central Africa

GWP Cameroon: Women at Center of Raising Awareness and Changing Mentality on Dental Fluorosis

GWP Cameroon and its partners have trained women leaders in the Meri District, Northern Cameroon on community sensitization on fluorosis and its health impacts. The aim was to help change mentalities and break stereotypes related to dental fluorosis. An evaluation shows that the training and the activities of the women leaders has had a positive impact on the community's perception of the disease. The approach also created momentum for awareness activities in the entire Mayo Tsanaga River Basin.
/ Central Africa, Global

RECOJAC - Laying the Foundation for Youth Engagement in Central Africa

Michèle Okala coordinates the work of RECOJAC – the Network of Water and Climate Organisations of Central African Youth. She is one of the founding members and she is also in charge of youth issues for GWP Central Africa. Michèle has been volunteering for over 8 years, and she shares some insights to what she has learned – and what she hopes to leave as her legacy: “I created RECOJAC for the generation that will come after me. I am only laying the foundation.”
/ Central Africa

GWP-CAf's statutory members approve its Three-Year Work Programme 2020-2022

The 13th Steering Committee and the 6th General Assembly of GWP-CAf took place in Douala, Cameroon from the 30th of October to the 1st of November 2019 and brought together some 25 participants from Central African’s CWPs and representatives of the member organizations of the statutory bodies.
/ Central Africa

GWP-CAf appoints new Chair

Mr Sylvain GUEBANDA, from the Central African Republic, was appointed President of the GWP-CAf during the GWP-CAf Steering Committee on 31 October 2019 in Douala, Cameroon.
/ Central Africa

IWRM at the heart of staff training and representatives of LCBC member states

With the technical support of the GWP-CAf, Experts, Directors and representatives of LCBC member states received training on IWRM for better implementation of the Lake Chad Basin Water Charter. The participants made recommendations to advance transboundary cooperation in the Lake Chad Basin.