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/ Central Asia and Caucasus

Conference of EECCA water-management organizations "Community of water professionals - a framework for interstate water cooperation"

The Conference was held at VNIIGiM named by A.N.Kostyakov (Moscow) on the 8th of November 2013. The Conference was organized by OAO “Vodstroy”, the Russian Union of Water and Land Reclamation Professionals, VNIIGiM named by A.N.Kostyakov (Moscow) and the Scientific-Information Center of ICWC (NWO EECCA Secretariat, Tashkent).  This event was supported by GWP CACENA and UNECE (through the RF grant).

/ Central Asia and Caucasus

Media-tour for journalists in UZBEKISTAN

Following the Announcement of photo competition "Ubiquitous Water...",  on 30 July 2013, CWP-Uzbekistan jointly with GWP CACENA Regional Secretariat and the Ecological Movement of Uzbekistan organized the media-tour for journalists.

/ Central Asia and Caucasus

GWP CACENA Special Focused Event at the Dushanbe High-Level International Conference on Water Cooperation

The Dushanbe High-Level International Conference on Water Cooperation, organized by the Government of Tajikistan on 20 and 21 August 2013, gathered a considerable audience to discuss and share various opinions on the role of water in sustainable development.


GWP CACENA, aiming to present its Program on Climate Change Adaptation for 2013-2015, has organized the Special Focused Event "IWRM as a practical approach for adaptation to climate change in the countries of Central Asia and Caucasus".

/ Central Asia and Caucasus

Call for Water Cooperation at Dushanbe Conference

A GWP delegation participated at the High-Level International Conference on Water Cooperation in Dushanbe, Tajikistan, which took place on 20-21 August. GWP Executive Secretary Dr. Ania Grobicki said the event was a historic opportunity to rethink water.

/ Central Asia and Caucasus

Photo competition "Ubiquitous Water..." in Uzbekistan

GWP CACENA and Ecological Movement of Uzbekistan have announced on 15 June 2013 the photo competition "Ubiquitous Water..." within the Twelfth Republican ecological journalism competition.