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/ Eastern Africa

BURUNDI CWP General Assembly Committed to Mobilize Local Resources

On 26 March 2015, the Burundi CWP held its ordinary statutory general assembly meeting in Bujumbura to discuss several issues icluding review of  progress towards activity achievement for the year 2014 and strategy for the implementation of  Bu CWP’s Action Plan for the year 2015.

/ Eastern Africa

GWPEA Joined Uganda to Celebrate the World Water Day


The World Water Day was commemorated in Uganda on Monday, 23 March 2015. The celebration ceremony took place at the new premises of the Directorate of Water Resources Management in Entebbe under the theme of Water and Sustainable Development.




/ Eastern Africa

GWPEA Organizes a Regional Meeting on IDMP_HoA

From 25-26 September, the GWPEA program known as “Integrated Drought Management Program in the Horn of Africa (IDMP HOA) “organized a stakeholders’ meeting in Nairobi, Kenya following a scooping exercise to assess the drought resilience status in 8 countries in the Horn of Africa. The countries include Djibouti, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Kenya, Somalia, south Sudan, Sudan, and Uganda.

/ Eastern Africa

Burundi Water Partnership Presents its Five Year Engagement Strategic Plan to Partners

The Five Year (2014-2018) Strategic Plan for Burundi Water Partnership was presented to development partners on 25 September, 2014 in Bujumbura. The conference that was opened by the Assistant to the Minister in charge of water (MEEATU) aimed to create a platform to raise funds for the implementation of activities contained in the different project proposals of the strategic plan for water resource management and climate resilience. 

/ Eastern Africa

SITWA Regional Consultations on Strategic Planning Held in East Africa

The Strengthening Institutions for Trans-boundary Water Management in Africa (SITWA) is a European Union-funded project implemented by GWP and ANBO to build the capacity of Basin Water Organizations (BWOs) in Africa to enhance their positive contribution to integrated management of trans-boundary water and environmental resources, and to sustainable socio-economic development. 

/ Eastern Africa

GWP Eastern Africa trains water professionals in IWRM

From 19-23 May 2014, the GWPEA in partnership with the Kenya Water Partnership and the Nile IWRM Net organised a regional training workshop on Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM) as a tool for adaptation to climate change. The training aimed to strengthen the capacities of the countries in the Nile Basin and regional organisations for understanding climate change impacts and develop and implement adaptation programmes. 

/ Eastern Africa

GWP Eastern Africa Gathered Consulting Partners

GWP Eastern Africa held the 3rd Regional Consulting Partners (RCP) meeting on 20-21 March 2014 at Munyonyo Speke Resort Hotel in Uganda. This is a statutory and decision making meeting that takes place once every two years.

/ Eastern Africa

Kenya Consultation Identifies Five Priority Areas for Water

Kenya organized the national consultations on water for the post-2015 development agenda at the Kenya Institute of Water in Nairobi on 14 March 2014. More than 30 participants from cross sectoral organizations attended the meeting, which was supported by GWP Eastern Africa.