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/ Global

River Basin Organisations – Key to Transboundary Water Cooperation

GWP and Wuhan International Water Law Academy are collaborating on a series of events called the “Transboundary freshwater security governance train”. In six online sessions, key topics on transboundary water cooperation are highlighted, with examples from different locations around the globe. The third session took place on 16 March on the topic, “River Basin Organisations (RBOs) and the Implementation of Treaty Commitments”, with about 140 participants. Experts agree that RBOs play a key role in international water law implementation – this session explained why.
/ Global

Theory to Implementation in Water and Climate Series

A 3-part webinar series took place in February and March to highlight and clarify linkages between water and climate in national climate action plans, such as the Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs), the National Adaptation Plans (NAPs), and various investment mechanisms. “For me, the stories from countries were the best part. I think they speak to all of us and tell us what it's really like to change theory into implementation on the ground,” said Dani Gaillard-Picher, GWP Global Coordinator for Water and Climate Processes, in her summary of the series.
/ Global, South Asia

Gender Equality – Let’s Talk Accountability

In our series of inter-regional discussions on gender equality and social inclusion, GWP’s Liza Debevec invited GWP South Asia’s Lal Induruwage, and Ashish Barua of the Swiss development organisation Helvetas, to talk about meaningful and inclusive participation in decision-making and partnerships. This is something both their countries – Sri Lanka and Bangladesh – have made great progress on in policies. However, they both agree that gaps still exist between policies and reality on the ground. One of the big challenges is lack of accountability.
/ Global, Southeast Asia

“Be Brave, Be Creative, and Work Together” – Winning Water ChangeMaker Advice to Youth

The Masungi Georeserve was announced winners of the Water ChangeMaker Awards in a ceremony at the Climate Adaptation Summit on 25 January. Their project is about restoring forgotten watersheds through youth-led movements. In a Facebook Live session on 4 March, Billie Dumaliang, representing the winning team, encouraged youth to be brave and creative, and to work together when tackling their climate challenges.
/ Global

AU Heads of States Adopt Africa Water Investment Programme

The Assembly of the African Union (AU) Heads of State and Government have formally adopted the progressive Continental Africa Water Investment Program (AIP), during its 34th Ordinary Session, held on 7th February in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.
/ Global

New Paper Initiates Cross-Sector Dialogue on Water Storage

GWP and the International Water Management Institute (IWMI) launched a new Perspectives Paper, “Storing Water: A new integrated approach for resilient development." The launch took place in a webinar on 24 February, gathering about 300 people for what is to be the start of a broad cross-sector dialogue on water storage.
/ Global

Ecosystem Protection Gaining Greater Interest and Understanding

GWP and Wuhan International Water Law Academy are co-organisers of a 6-part series called the "Transboundary Freshwater Security Governance Train." The second session took place on 16 February on “Ecosystems, International Law, and Transboundary Water Cooperation”. The event gathered over 100 participants, led by a panel of international experts who agreed that ecosystems protection has been gaining increased political acceptance and technical understanding in recent years.