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/ Southern Africa

IGAD stakeholders initiating innovative ways to balance WEF Nexus

Water, Energy and Food (WEF) Nexus approach can support the Intergovernmental Authority on Development (IGAD) region in meeting the increasing water, energy and food security demands in a context of climate change, population growth, urbanization and natural resources degradation.
/ Mediterranean

Celebratory Closing Conference of two UfM Regional Water Projects: Focus on Sustainable Financing and Integrity for Water Security in the MENA/Mediterranean

More than 140 decision makers and representatives of government, civil society, international organisations, donors, financing institutions, and the private and banking sector, came together for 3 days sharing experiences and discussing needs, challenges and next steps during the “Conference on Water Governance in MENA and wider Mediterranean region” that was held in Barcelona, on 12-14 December. The Regional Conference was organised under the auspices of the Union for the Mediterranean (UfM), by two UfM-labelled projects supported by the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (Sida), namely the Governance & Financing for the Mediterranean Water Sector project led by GWP-Med, and the Regional Water Integrity Capacity Building Programme in MENA, led by SIWI UNDP Water Governance Facility. The Conference was organised in close and strategic synergy with the EU-funded Sustainable Water Integrated Management and Horizon 2020 Support Mechanism (SWIM-H2020 SM) regional project.
/ Mediterranean

Culminating the Governance & Financing Dialogue in Lebanon - the way ahead

The 3rd Consultation Workshop on enhancing the potential for Private Sector Participation in Water Infrastructure in Lebanon, with emphasis on the role of Banks was organised in Beirut on the 8th November 2017, as part of the National Policy Dialogue on Water Governance and Financing. The Workshop involved more than 25 targeted representatives of relevant public institutions, private banks, regional organisations and NGOs.

Investments for wastewater treatment and reuse in the Middle East & North Africa Region: In the focus at the Stockholm World Water Week

The investment potential in wastewater treatment and reuse in Middle East & North Africa (MENA) was discussed at a session organised by the Global Water Partnership – Mediterranean (GWP-Med) during the recent World Water Week in Stockholm (27 August – 1 September 2017). This was part of the “MENA Focus” set of 4 sessions, led by key institutions in the Region.2017 was the 2nd year that a dedicated MENA Regional Focus was part of the World Water Weeks’ programme, alongside the Regional Focus Days for Africa, Asia and Latin America. In addition to the (co) organization of sessions, GWP-Med is coordinating the overall “MENA Focus”.
/ Southern Africa

GWPSA is Recruiting

At the 12th Consulting Partners Meeting held in May 2017, GWPSA Consulting partners adopted a decision for the ‘Strategic Repositioning’ of GWPSA and CWP’s role on water security to advance the SADC Regional industrialisation and job creation agenda as well as the 2030 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
/ Southern Africa

Regional Bodies Urged to Create Enabling Policy Environment

Southern Africa Development Committee (SADC) and River Basin Organisations (RBO) in the region must create an enabling policy environment that supports harmonised approaches and implementation of joint water quality programmes.
/ Southern Africa

Opportunity for a Zambia Water Industry

There is an opportunity for a Zambia water industry that will help boost the country’s economy, Global Water Partnership – Southern Africa (GWP-SA) Executive Secretary, Alex Simalabwi has said.