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/ Eastern Africa

Implementing Rwanda Water Policy

On 25 April, GWP Rwanda took a first step to implement the Water Resources Management (WRM) Strategy of Rwanda by holding a workshop, jointly organized with the Netherlands Development Organization under the theme: "Towards IWRM through collaboration and partnerships between all actors at all levels".

/ Eastern Africa

Implementing Rwanda Water Policy

On 25 April, GWP Rwanda took a first step to implement the Water Resources Management (WRM) Strategy of Rwanda by holding a workshop, jointly organized with the Netherlands Development Organization under the theme: "Towards IWRM through collaboration and partnerships between all actors at all levels".

/ Central Africa, Eastern Africa, Mediterranean, Southern Africa, West Africa

Africa Launches Response to Climate Change Threat to Water Security

Launching of a Strategic Framework at Africa Water Week 2012

In an effort to address the twin challenges of water security and climate change, the African Ministers Council on Water launched The Strategic Framework for Water Security and Climate Resilient Development on May 14, 2012, at the Africa Water Week, in Cairo, Egypt.

(Photo: Honorable S.S. Nkomo, Vice President of the African Minsters Council on Water, and Minister of Water Resources and Development, Zimbabwe and GWP Executive Secretary Dr Ania Grobicki)
/ Central Africa, Eastern Africa, Mediterranean, Southern Africa, West Africa

Africa Develops Response to Climate Change Threat to Water Security

Launching of a Strategic Framework at Africa Water Week 2012

In an effort to address the twin challenges of water security and climate change, the African Ministers Council on Water launched The Strategic Framework for Water Security and Climate Resilient Development on May 14, 2012, at the Africa Water Week, in Cairo, Egypt.

(Photo: Honorable S.S. Nkomo, Vice President of the African Minsters Council on Water, and Minister of Water Resources and Development, Zimbabwe and GWP Executive Secretary Dr Ania Grobicki)
/ Central Africa, Eastern Africa

Stakeholder Consultations in Bugesera Transboundary Basin shared by Rwanda and Burundi

Within the framework of implementing the climate change related commitments of the Sharm el-Sheikh Declaration on Water and Sanitation, GWP and AMCOW are implementing the Water Climate Development programe (WACDEP). The WACDEP aims to support African countries develop No/low regrets Water Security and Climate Resilience Investment Strategies, Plans and projects, and promote the integration of water security and climate resilience into national development plans.

/ Central Africa, Eastern Africa

Stakeholder Consultations in Bugesera Transboundary Basin shared by Rwanda and Burundi

Within the framework of implementing the climate change related commitments of the Sharm el-Sheikh Declaration on Water and Sanitation, GWP and AMCOW are implementing the Water Climate Development programe (WACDEP). The WACDEP aims to support African countries develop No/low regrets Water Security and Climate Resilience Investment Strategies, Plans and projects, and promote the integration of water security and climate resilience into national development plans.

/ Eastern Africa

Regional and national Nile Day celebrations

Regional Nile Day celebrations in 2012 will be held on the 19th and 20th of February this year. National celebrations will happen at the same time. The theme will be ‘Water, Energy, Food: Importance of Nile Cooperation’.

/ Eastern Africa

African Development Bank highlighted success of IWRM planning in Burundi

The Africa Water Facility review mission to Burundi has concluded that the IWRM planning process has achieved its purpose and has recommended financial support to implement the plan. The mission also decided to use its experience in Burundi as a building block for other countries in Eastern Africa and transboundary water management.