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/ Global

Global Framework Acts on Water Scarcity in Agriculture

Partners of the Global Framework for Action to Cope with Water Scarcity in Agriculture in a Changing Climate (the Global Framework) met in Rome, Italy, on 19-20 April. This was the first meeting since the initiative was launched last year. A statement was issued to demonstrate commitment to address water scarcity in agriculture. As a Partner, GWP participated and was also confirmed as a member of an interim Steering Committee.
/ Mediterranean

International Women’s Day 2017

On the occasion of the 2017 International Women’s Day, and drawing on the global theme for this year: Planet 50-50 by 2030: Step It Up for Gender Equality, GWP-Med has asked women water champions from the Mediterranean water community to reflect on: How can the water sector step it up for gender equality?
/ West Africa

Nigeria, GWP follows up on the Water and Food Security Initiative

Following the outcome of the Post - National Consultation on Food Security and Water in Sub- Sahara Africa held in Abuja with relevant agencies and department in the Ministry in - charge of Agriculture on 12th May, 2016, a decision was reached to constitute a working group (WG) that will mid-wife the Nigeria - Country Project (WEFE Initiative).
/ Mediterranean

2nd Regional Conference of the Governance & Financing for the Mediterranean Water Sector project

The 2nd Regional Conference of the Union for the Mediterranean (UfM) labelled project “Governance & Financing for the Mediterranean Water Sector” was organised on 5-6 December 2016, in Tunis, Tunisia, by the Global Water Partnership - Mediterranean (GWP-Med), in close collaboration with the H2020 Pollution Reduction & Prevention Investment Group (PRPI) & National Action Plan process. It convened more than 110 decision makers and representatives of government, civil society, international organisations, donors and financing institutions and the private sector.
/ Global

GWP Africa Responds to Water, Food, Energy, Ecosystems Agenda

2015 was a milestone with the new UN Sustainable Development Goals and the COP 21 on Climate Change in Paris. For the Committee on World Food Security (CFS), 2015 was the “water” year. Water is the main agricultural production factor impacted by climate change. In the Global Water Partnership (GWP), partners are joining forces at country, regional and global levels to contribute to sustainable development in the face of climate change. This initiative, in Sub Saharan Africa, was, in an inclusive manner, identifying challenges and technical and institutional priority actions, and implemented concrete activities at all levels.
/ South Asia


This page contains reports produced under WACREP by GWP SAS Regional Office and its Country Officers.
/ Mediterranean

Policy dialogue in Palestine: Key stakeholders endorsing action plan towards better water governance & financial sustainability

Some 40 key stakeholders from the government; private companies and banks; research institutes and Academia; media as well as the Civil Society discussed and contributed to the final draft of the Report ‘Governance in Palestine: Sector Reform to include Private Sector Participation’, during the Third Consultation Workshop of the Palestinian Water Policy Dialogue. The workshop was organised by the Global Water Partnership – Mediterranean (GWP-Med), within the Union for the Mediterranean project Governance & Financing for the Mediterranean Water Sector and under the patronage of H.E. Mazen Ghuneim, Chairman of the Palestinian Water Authority (PWA), in Ramallah, on 16 June 2015.