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/ China

GWP at International Symposium on the Three Gorges Project

Acting Executive Secretary Martin Walshe, together with GWP Senior Adviser Khalid Mohtadullah and Du Zhenkun of GWP China, attended the International Symposium on the Three Gorges Project & Water Resources Development and Protection of the Yangtze River in Yichang City, 28-29 October.

/ China

Partnership for the Yangtze river

In April 2008, GWP China Hunan was established following discussions on the environmental problems of pollution and shore erosion at Dong Ting Lake.

/ China

IWRM implementation in Fujian Province

The Fujian Provincial Water Resources Department has found that establishing Water Users Associations (WUAs) is one of the best approaches to improving the integrated management of small-scale water projects in rural areas.

/ China

Restoring the Yellow river

The rich biodiversity of the Yellow River estuary wetland needs protection against erosion, salinisation and desertification.