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/ Eastern Africa

African Development Bank highlighted success of IWRM planning in Burundi

The Africa Water Facility review mission to Burundi has concluded that the IWRM planning process has achieved its purpose and has recommended financial support to implement the plan. The mission also decided to use its experience in Burundi as a building block for other countries in Eastern Africa and transboundary water management.

/ Eastern Africa

Strategic dialogue

GWP Regional coordinator participated in the Strategic dialogue of the Nile Basin Initiative, Kampala, Uganda, which was held on the 16th, 17th and 18th of November 2011.

/ Eastern Africa

Young Water Professionals conference

GWP Eastern Africa promoted the participation of Sudan Water Partnership national coordinator and member into a Young Water Professionals conference on the 11th, 12th and 13th of December in Kampala, Uganda, an event that was organized by International Water Association/African Water Association /National Water Sewage Corporation of Uganda conference.

/ Eastern Africa

Road Map for Eastern Africa on Water and Climate

GWP Country Water Partnerships met November 6 to start work on a road map for an initiative between the GWP Water, Climate and Development Programme for Africa (WACDEP), the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), and the Nile Basin Initiative. Participants agreed that WACDEP will be implemented as a joint programme with the UNEP climate change adaptation project on the Nile Basin. GWP Eastern Africa is supporting UNEP to build stakeholder capacities.

/ Eastern Africa

Road Map for Eastern Africa on Water and Climate

GWP Country Water Partnerships met November 6 to start work on a road map for an initiative between the GWP Water, Climate and Development Programme for Africa (WACDEP), the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), and the Nile Basin Initiative. Participants agreed that WACDEP will be implemented as a joint programme with the UNEP climate change adaptation project on the Nile Basin. GWP Eastern Africa is supporting UNEP to build stakeholder capacities.

/ Eastern Africa

Third Nile Basin Development Forum

NBDF third forum, Kigali, Rwanda, 26-28 October 2011. GWP participated in the third Nile Basin Development Forum and presented during a panel discussion to prepare recommendations by the Nile Basin Development Forum.

/ Eastern Africa

Asia-Africa Inter-regional Sharing

GWP knowledge and expertise was shared with an IUCN-Asia delegation that visited the Nile Basin Initiative Secretariat in Entebbe, Uganda, on 12 September 2011. GWP Eastern Africa presented its work on IWRM processes.

/ Eastern Africa

Asia-Africa Inter-regional Sharing

GWP knowledge and expertise was shared with an IUCN-Asia delegation that visited the Nile Basin Initiative Secretariat in Entebbe, Uganda, on 12 September 2011. GWP Eastern Africa presented its work on IWRM processes.

/ Eastern Africa

Gender Mainstreaming for Africa

On July 12, 2011, at the start of the African Sanitation Conference, the African Ministers Council on Water (AMCOW) launched its “Policy and Strategy for Mainstreaming Gender in Africa’s Water Sector.” The strategy development process, facilitated by AMCOW, GWP, UNEP, the Gender and Water Alliance, and the WSP-World Bank, involved more than 40 African countries.