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/ Global, South America

GWP Continues SDG 6 Support – Argentina Now in Second Phase

Under the SDG 6 IWRM Support Programme, GWP supports governments and other stakeholders to evaluate, diagnose and improve water governance policies. The aim is to accelerate implementation of SDG 6 and other water-related goals. Now the turn has come to Argentina, where a second phase underlines “identification of challenges and proposal of potential solutions”.
/ West Africa

Regional dialogue: GWP-WA and partners mobilize to accelerate IWRM progress towards achieving water related SDGs in West Africa

On 25 September 2019, the regional dialogue on the theme "Accelerating progress in IWRM implementation to achieve water-related SDGs in West Africa: challenges, innovative approaches and the roles of partnerships" took place in Ouagadougou in Burkina Faso. The regional dialogue was organized by Global Water Partnership West Africa (GWP-WA) in collaboration with the Ministry of Water and Sanitation of Burkina Faso, the ECOWAS Water Resources Management Centre and the West African Monetary and Economic Union (UEMOA)’s Commission in charge of Agriculture Water Resources and Environment.
/ Mediterranean

GWP–Med at World Water Week 2019

"Millions of lives could be at risk if we don’t take the water crisis and global warming more seriously" was among the key closing messages of the 2019 World Water Week (25-30 August, Stockholm), organised by SIWI. Many of the Week’s 250+ sessions showcased water-related solutions to global challenges such as climate change and food scarcity. More than 4000 participants from 138 countries called upon governments, institutions and stakeholders including the private sector, to improve water management and practically implement available solutions to critical water challenges.
/ Mediterranean

Pre-announcement for two capacity building workshops for youth in Malta

The regional organisation Global Water Partnership - Mediterranean (GWP-Med | and the Energy and Water Agency (EWA | of Malta are organizing two back-to-back Capacity Building Workshops in November 2019 in Malta: 12-13/11: ‘Communicating Water Trends & Innovation to Engage Locals and Tourists’, and 13-14/11: 'Non-Conventional Water Resources Management: Local Solutions'.