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/ Mediterranean

Launch of the GEMWET Project

The celebration of World Wetlands Day (WWD) on February 13th, 2019, marked the launch of GEMWET, a MAVA foundation funded project aiming to the conservation and sustainable development of high ecological value of the lagoon of Ghar El Melh in the Governorate of Bizerte in the North of Tunisia.
/ Global

Peer-to-Peer Learning in International Water Law and Water Governance

Good governance around transboundary waters is critical for water security, regional socio-economic development, peace, and stability. Since 2010, GWP has been conducting capacity building trainings on International Water Law (IWL) and water governance. While there is no shortage of trainings on transboundary water issues, the uniqueness of GWP’s IWL workshops lie in the peer-to-peer and cross-continental learning, says GWP Senior Network Specialist Yumiko Yasuda. This has proved to be a successful formula that GWP is now ready to take to the next level – an online platform to support existing training and close learning gaps.
/ Mediterranean

Drin Day 2019

GEF/UNDP/GWP-Med project 'Enabling transboundary cooperation and integrated water resources management in the extended Drin River Basin' (GEF Drin Project) is making efforts to raise public awareness about the natural wealth and cultural heritage of the Drin River Basin through the celebration of Drin Day 2019.
/ Mediterranean

Call for the recruitment of a Programme Officer in Albania

The Global Water Partnership - Mediterranean (GWP-Med) is seeking to hire a Programme Officer based in Albania, to serve as a Dialogue Coordinator for the implementation of activities under the National and Transboundary Nexus Dialogue Processes in Albania and in the river basins of the Drin and Drina rivers.
/ Central and Eastern Europe

Slovak and Czech stakeholders evaluate ecosystem services in Morava river basin

On 31 January 2019, the German, Czech and Slovak partners of Danube Floodplain project organized a one-day stakeholder consultation meeting held back-to-back with a workshop on ecosystem services. The event took place at the Research Institute of Water Management in Bratislava and brought together key stakeholders from Slovakia and Czech Republic, giving the project partners the opportunity to present and discuss Danube Floodplain project with stakeholders from various areas.
/ Mediterranean

Call:Consultancy Services on the Nexus related to groundwater resource and water use in the NWSAS basin

The Global Water Partnership Mediterranean is seeking to hire an external Consultant in the framework of the “Making Water Cooperation Happen in the Mediterranean’ project, for the activity : “Development & Draft selected sections of the “Nexus Assessment Report” related to slowing down depletion of the groundwater resource and rationalizing water use in the NWSAS basin”
/ Mediterranean

Call:Consultancy Services for the Nexus Assessment Report related to modernizing and increasing the value and viability of agriculture

The Global Water Partnership Mediterranean is seeking to hire an external Consultant in the framework of the “Making Water Cooperation Happen in the Mediterranean’ project, for the activity: “Development & Draft selected sections of the ‘Nexus Assessment Report’ related to modernizing and increasing the value and viability of agriculture”