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/ Central Africa

LCBC: For the implementation of IWRM for transboundary water resources management.

From the 7th to 10th September, 2015 was held in N’djamena, Chad a training workshop for staff and experts of the Lake Chad Basin Commission (LCBC) on IWRM for transboundary water resources management.


Organized by the Department of Natural Resources Management of the LCBC in collaboration with GWP Central Africa (GWP CAf), the workshop brought together fifteen participants from the secretariat of the LCBC.


The objective was to strengthen their understanding of the IWRM concept and its principles, and also develop their capacity in using some specific IWRM planning tools with a special focus on development and management of transboundary water resources. It also aimed at ensuring a common understanding of the concepts, principles and planning process of IWRM among key staff of the LCBC secretariat.

/ Central Africa

ECCAS and GWP- CAf work together to develop hydro-meteorological regional strategy for Central Africa.

Within the context of the partnership ECCAS-GWP signed in December 2013, a meeting held in Libreville, Gabon from 29th to 31st of July 2015 brought together the two parties.

The meeting aimed at assessing the progress made in the process of developing a regional strategy and action plan for hydrological and meteorological services in Central Africa on the one hand and take stock of the process of the creation and operationalization of the Regional Solidarity Fund for Water following the submission of the final document to ECCAS for validation on the other hand.

/ Central Africa, Global

GWP Cameroon to support completion of NAP

Cameroon’s Ministry of Environment, Protection of Nature and Sustainable Development (MINEPDED) in collaboration with Global Water Partnership (GWP) Cameroon and the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) Cameroon country office organised a national workshop to present and validate the country’s National Adaptation Plan (NAP).

/ Central Africa, Global

GWP Cameroon Tackles Economics of Climate Change Adaptation

GWP Cameroon held a training workshop in Kribi on 29 July to 2 August. The aim was to provide participants with the skills and knowledge to develop a balanced portfolio of investment options that enhance water security for climate resilient growth and development.

/ Central Africa

Media Exposed to Cameroon’s Water and Climate Challenges

Climate change and the role of water in socio-economic development was the theme of a workshop for journalists organized by GWP Central Africa in Douala, Cameroon, 17-20 December 2012. News reporting, writing techniques and tools for effective storytelling and reporting were also on the agenda for the 21 participants who came from print media and broadcasting.

/ Central Africa

Capacity of NGOs strengthened in Central Africa

The importance of the IWRM approach in the socioeconomic development of a nation was the focus of a workshop arranged by GWP Central African Republic in Bangui in 2012 that brought together NGOs, the University of Bangui, and the country's GWP Partners.

/ Central Africa

IWRM in Education in Central Africa

In October 2009 Central Africa adopted a Regional Water Policy. Within the Secretariat of the Economic Community of Central African States (ECCAS) a unit responsible for coordinating the management of water resources was created.

/ Central Africa

New Step in Financing Water Sector in Central Africa

The Ministers in charge of water of the Member States of the Economic Community of Central African States (ECCAS) met on April 6, 2012, in Bangui, to discuss options for the establishment of a regional Water Resources Management Coordination Centre. One of the recommendations of the meeting was that the ECCAS General Secretariat, working together with GWP Central Africa and the Development Bank of Central African States (BDEAC), finalizes the strategic documents for water financing in Central Africa and submits them for adoption by ECCAS Members States.

/ Central Africa, Eastern Africa, Mediterranean, Southern Africa, West Africa

Africa Launches Response to Climate Change Threat to Water Security

Launching of a Strategic Framework at Africa Water Week 2012

In an effort to address the twin challenges of water security and climate change, the African Ministers Council on Water launched The Strategic Framework for Water Security and Climate Resilient Development on May 14, 2012, at the Africa Water Week, in Cairo, Egypt.

(Photo: Honorable S.S. Nkomo, Vice President of the African Minsters Council on Water, and Minister of Water Resources and Development, Zimbabwe and GWP Executive Secretary Dr Ania Grobicki)