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/ Central Africa, Eastern Africa, Global, Southern Africa, West Africa

Call for success stories: Overcoming gender-related challenges in the water sector in Pan Africa

To inspire action, amplify the voices of women in water and accelerate change, GWP and the #IWRMActionHub are launching a call for success stories and case studies that demonstrate how gender equality and inclusion have been improved in water management and climate resilience actions in the Pan African region.
/ Eastern Africa

GWPEA lays foundation for strategic partnership

Since its inception in 2003, GWPEA has partnered with various organizations to address water security issues in the Eastern Africa and Nile Basin region. As a custodian of integrated water resources management (IWRM) in the Region, GWPEA draws on 20 years of multi-level implementing experience, enabled by a functional interface with global development agendas, leadership, and finance flows.
/ Eastern Africa

DRESSEA project helping farmers and pastoralists adapt to climate change and drought through innovative technologies.

GWPEA is implementing the “Strengthening Drought Resilience for Smallholder Farmers and Pastoralists in the IGAD Region (DRESS-EA) Project in four Riparian countries of Djibouti, Kenya, Sudan, and Uganda. The project, which is undertaken in collaboration with the Sahara and Sahel Observatory (OSS) aims at increasing the resilience of smallholder farmers and pastoralists to climate change risks mainly those related to drought, through the establishment of appropriate early warning systems and implementation of drought adaptation actions in the IGAD region.