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/ Mediterranean

Advancing system thinking to reduce major environmental stresses in Mediterranean coastal zones

The GEF UNEP/MAP MedProgramme's efforts to reduce major transboundary environmental stresses in Mediterranean coastal areas, strengthen climate resilience and water security and how to continue its efforts in the future were the key topics of discussion during the MedProgramme side-event organised by UNEP/MAP and GWP-Med during the 5th Mediterranean Water Forum in Tunisia.
/ Mediterranean

WEFE Nexus Policy Dialogue in Lebanon: exploring the Nexus in practice

Representatives from Lebanese ministries joined a field visit to Nexus related projects in the Shouf region in Lebanon, aiming to address trade-offs across different sectors and generate socioeconomic and environmental advantages, organised by GWP-Med within the framework of the GEF UNEP/MAP MedProgramme.
/ Mediterranean

African Young Water Professionals Forum – 6th edition: continuing the commitment to empower tomorrow’s Leaders in Sustainable Water and Agriculture

The 6th African Young Water Professionals Forum by GWP-Med, the International Commission for Irrigation and Drainage (ICID) and partners organised under the platform of the 6th Cairo Water Week highlighted the urgent need to integrate a gender lens into all initiatives on water, climate and development, for sustainable investments.