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/ Central Africa, Eastern Africa, Mediterranean, Southern Africa, West Africa

Africa Develops Response to Climate Change Threat to Water Security

Launching of a Strategic Framework at Africa Water Week 2012

In an effort to address the twin challenges of water security and climate change, the African Ministers Council on Water launched The Strategic Framework for Water Security and Climate Resilient Development on May 14, 2012, at the Africa Water Week, in Cairo, Egypt.

(Photo: Honorable S.S. Nkomo, Vice President of the African Minsters Council on Water, and Minister of Water Resources and Development, Zimbabwe and GWP Executive Secretary Dr Ania Grobicki)
/ Central Africa, Eastern Africa

Stakeholder Consultations in Bugesera Transboundary Basin shared by Rwanda and Burundi

Within the framework of implementing the climate change related commitments of the Sharm el-Sheikh Declaration on Water and Sanitation, GWP and AMCOW are implementing the Water Climate Development programe (WACDEP). The WACDEP aims to support African countries develop No/low regrets Water Security and Climate Resilience Investment Strategies, Plans and projects, and promote the integration of water security and climate resilience into national development plans.

/ Central Africa, Eastern Africa

Stakeholder Consultations in Bugesera Transboundary Basin shared by Rwanda and Burundi

Within the framework of implementing the climate change related commitments of the Sharm el-Sheikh Declaration on Water and Sanitation, GWP and AMCOW are implementing the Water Climate Development programe (WACDEP). The WACDEP aims to support African countries develop No/low regrets Water Security and Climate Resilience Investment Strategies, Plans and projects, and promote the integration of water security and climate resilience into national development plans.

/ Central Africa

Financial Planning for Water Supply and Sanitation in Cameroon

Strategic financial planning is a means to assess financing needs and match them to financing sources in a structured way to fill the gap in funds over a period of time based on different future scenarios. An approach to strategic financial planning for the water supply and sanitation sector called FEASIBLE has been developed by the OECD. It was applied with support from the GWP-hosted EUWI-FWG and the ACP-EU Water Facility in Lesotho during 2008-2010.

/ Central Africa

GWP planning tool supports Kribi port

GWP Central Africa supported the Cameroonian Ministry of Economy and Planning to carry out a one-year survey of the proposed site of a deep-water port at Kribi. GWP Central Africa developed a forward-looking planning and decision-support tool to help ensure more efficient land use, to preserve the integrity of the port facilities, and to aid natural resources management and the preservation of vital ecosystems. This work shows how IWRM principles can be put into practice at the local level, as part of a major infrastructure project.

/ Central Africa

GWP Champion Appointed Director in Cameroon

Prof Mathias Fru FontehProf Mathias Fru Fonteh, Chair of GWP Cameroon, was appointed by the Prime Minister in September to be the Director in charge of hydraulics and hydrology in the Ministry of Energy and Water. Prof Fru Fonteh is one of the five founding champions of GWP Central Africa.

/ Central Africa, Eastern Africa, Southern Africa, West Africa

Report Urges a Better Way to do Development

Sustainable development requires multi-stakeholder partnerships. That is the message of a new report on water security in Africa published by the Global Water Partnership. (Photo: GWP Executive Secretary Dr Ania Grobicki and Hon Buyelwa P. Sonjica, AMCOW President and Minister of Water and Environmental Affairs in South Africa)

/ Central Africa

IWRM Planning in Cameroon

Abundant freshwater resources caracterise Cameroon, yet the country faces severe water challenges as a result of management, legal and institutional deficiencies. Due to the fragmented water sector, development in Cameroon goes slowly. To increase the sustainability of water resources management, Cameroon has embarked on a process towards developing integrated water resources management plans.

/ Central Africa, Eastern Africa, Southern Africa, West Africa

AMCOW recognises GWP's contribution

At the June 2010 meeting of the African Minister’s Council on Water (AMCOW) GWP's work for advancing the water agenda on the continent was recognised. The AMCOW Technical Advisory Committee (TAC) appreciated GWP's contribution and gave GWP an additional mandate to work in four key areas: