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/ Central and Eastern Europe

International Women's Day 2017

Drawing on the global theme for this year: Planet 50-50 by 2030: Step It Up for Gender Equality, we have asked women in the water community to answer the question: How can the water sector step it up for gender equality?
/ Central and Eastern Europe

WaterInnEU Marketplace

Discover new innovative products and services from the WaterInnEU Marketplace Join the 2nd Marketplace E-Pitch Event – February 7th 2017.
/ Central and Eastern Europe

WaterInnEU Marketplace

Discover new innovative products and services from the WaterInnEU Marketplace Join the 2nd Marketplace E-Pitch Event – February 7th 2017.
/ Central and Eastern Europe, Global

GWP at Budapest Water Summit 2016: Water Connects

“Action on water is an absolute and ethical imperative…Acting now is a matter of human dignity, justice, and survival. Waiting to act is no longer an option.” This was one of the strong messages of the Budapest Water Summit 2016, which took place 28-30 November in Budapest, Hungary. GWP global and GWP Central and Eastern Europe joined forces to represent the network at the event.
/ Central and Eastern Europe

Tribute to Danube Art Master

GWP Slovenia organized an exhibition as a tribute to the most unique international competition that connect art with water – the Danube Art Master.
/ Central and Eastern Europe

Third national consultation on Drought in Slovenia – from monitoring to legislation

On 10 October in Slovenia a National Consultation Dialogue on Drought took place for a third time. The event was organised by the Slovenian Environment Agency (ARSO) and Global Water Partnership Slovenia in the framework of the Integrated Drought Management Programme in Central and Eastern Europe (IDMP CEE). 
/ Central and Eastern Europe

Innovations for River Basin Management

Are you interested in new innovations to support River Basin Management?

Join the Marketplace E-Pitch Event – November 2nd 2016