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/ Global

GWP Steering Committee Members Share Water Stories

The GWP Steering Committee met at the global GWP secretariat in Stockholm, Sweden, on 11-13 June to discuss GWP's new strategy, governance reform, and knowledge and learning. The Committee acts as a Board of Directors and meets twice a year. While here, a few members shared stories on where they’ve seen water resources management work well for development.
/ South Asia

Sensitised women on IWRM

GWP Bhutan under its Core activities conducted an Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM) sensitisation programme in Punakha Dzongkhag (District) for Instructors and Facilitators working at Non-formal Education (NFE) and Early Childhood Care and Development (ECCD).
/ Central Africa

GWP Cameroon brings to light gender-specific impacts of fluorosis

Following on GWP’s engagement for gender equality, GWP Cameroon has carried out a study on gender-related impacts of fluorosis in northern Cameroon. The report, which is due to be published shortly, shows that impacts are significantly worse for girls and women and that gender-sensitive responses are needed. The report was discussed and validated at a workshop on 24 May in Maroua, Cameroon, by key institutional actors, development partners, and civil society groups.
/ Southern Africa

SADC convenes Gender Clinic on Project Preparation and Financing

On 25 March 2019, the Southern African Development Community (SADC) convened a Gender Mainstreaming in the Water Sector Project Preparation and Financing Clinic in Johannesburg, South Africa. The workshop, organised with support from the Global Water Partnership Southern Africa (GWPSA), brought together financiers, project developers/promoters, project implementers, gender focal points and gender machinery from the 16 SADC countries to discuss practical issues with regards to gender mainstreaming during project preparation and mobilising financing processes.
/ Southern Africa

GWP launches new publication "Addressing Water in National Adaptation Plans"

On Monday 8 April 2019, at the Korea Global Adaptation Week, GWP launched the publication "Addressing Water in National Adaptation Plans – Water Supplement to the UNFCCC NAP Technical Guidelines". The launch event was co-hosted by the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) and GWP.
/ Central Africa

Women Trained on Innovative Solution to Prevent Fluorosis

GWP Cameroon, in collaboration with the Centre for Environmental and Development Studies in Cameroon (CEDC), organised a training workshop in Maroua on 13 February for ten women leaders from two communities (Meri and Mokolo) affected by fluorosis. The training was focused on how to use fluoride removal filters and was the result of a project on how to improve WASH services.
/ South Asia

“Think equal, build smart, innovate for change”

On 8 March 2019: International Women’s Day falls on 8 March with this year’s theme “Think equal, build smart, innovate for change” which focuses on innovative ways in which individuals can advance gender equality and the empowerment of women, particularly in the areas of access to public services, social protection systems and sustainable infrastructure. Transformations, integrated approaches and new solutions are necessary particularly for advancing gender equality and empowering women on the journey to achieve the ambitious Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). In other words, “business as usual” will not be sufficient and should put forward innovative approaches that removes structural barriers and ensures no woman and no girl is left behind.