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/ Global, Southern Africa

International Youth Day Advice: “Know Thyself”

In celebration of International Youth Day 2020 on 12 August, GWP organised an online discussion with GWP Youth Engagement Specialist Rianna Gonzales, who interviewed GWP Southern Africa Youth Coordinator Paseka Lesolang about his achievements as an entrepreneur and influencer. Paseka said that one of the most important skills that has brought him to where he is today, is self-knowledge. This has allowed him to stretch himself to the next point. “Know thyself” was therefore one of his key messages.
/ Southern Africa

GWP Kicks Off GCF Readiness Workshops

GWP kicked off its first GCF Readiness workshop for 2020 – one of 30 being planned for this year – on July 28-29, in Uganda. The workshop, held at the request of the Government of Uganda’s Ministry of Water and Environment (MWE), trained participants on how to access support from the Green Climate Fund’s (GCF) Readiness and Preparatory Support Programme.
/ Southern Africa

GWP Kicks Off GCF Readiness Workshops

GWP kicked off its first GCF Readiness workshop for 2020 – one of 30 being planned for this year – on July 28-29, in Uganda. The workshop, held at the request of the Government of Uganda’s Ministry of Water and Environment (MWE), trained participants on how to access support from the Green Climate Fund’s (GCF) Readiness and Preparatory Support Programme.
/ Southern Africa

GWP and GCF sign USD 2 million Grant Agreement for Zambia’s National Adaptation Planning process

On 3 June 2020, during the Annual GWP Regional Days, the Global Water Partnership (GWP) and the Green Climate Fund (GCF) signed a USD 2,184,555 Grant for Readiness Support to the Zambia National Adaptation Plan (NAP) on Climate Resilience. The Grant was signed by Dr Monika Weber Fahr, GWPO Executive Secretary and CEO and Pa Ousman Jarju, Director for the GCF Division of Country Programming.
/ Southern Africa

SADC Begins Consultations for the RSAP V

The Southern African Development Community (SADC) regional water sector programme is driven through the five-year Regional Strategic Action Plans (RSAPs) for the sector, and is currently implementing the 4th version of (RSAP IV). For the water sector, the RSAPs serve both as a coordinating philosophy and a vehicle to deliver on the aspirations of SADC as articulated in the Regional Indicative Strategic Development Plan (RISDP), Regional Infrastructure Master Plan (RIDMP) and other regional and sectoral policies and strategies.